JUNE 2011
Let me first of all commend the Environmental Health
Officers Registration Council of Nigeria for organizing this Mandatory
Continuing Education Programme (MCEP), which is aimed at sensitizing, updating
practising Environmental Health Officers on the evolving environmental
development in the field of environmental health, spur consciousness and also
equipping them with adequate information to safeguard the environment from the
dangers of misuse of as a result of lack of awareness of the environmental laws
and consequently non-compliance with these laws.
Economic instruments, informational devices, voluntary
agreements, command and control regulations are just some of the techniques
modern states use to protect the environment. It is often alleged that
environmental offences are not ‘real’ crimes.
They are merely ‘quasi-criminal’ regulatory offences.
This paper rejects this view. It argues that environmental crime is a serious
and growing problem. It examines some of the constituents of environmental
offences and claims that environmental offenders often have very strong
financial incentives to break the law. It claims that fines are currently too
low and that serious consideration should be given to the increased use of
civil and administrative penalties.
It should be noted that the best of environmental
standards in the world will be innocuous if they are not complied with or
effectively enforced. Compliance and enforcement therefore ensures good
environmental governance, and respect for the rule of law. They equally
determine the compatibility of environmental standards with practical realities
and to a greater extent provide a yardstick for assessing whether the standards
should be maintained, amended or repealed.
Like many other developing Countries, Nigeria faces the
challenge of environmental health problems. A problem is basically a gap
between what is and what ought to be, what we have and what we want or can
reasonably hope to achieve. Environmental health problems are therefore, needs
perceived to require mitigative action.[1]
The Environment surrounds and affects man, while man also
affects the environment. In view of that fact that man affects the environment,
the responsibility of taking purposeful collective action, that may harmonise
human existence with the rest of the environment falls on man, by putting in
place laws that regulates such interaction between man and environment. One of
such basic functions of Environmental Health Control is the protection of the
environment in which people live and work.
Nigeria spans about 924,000 square kilometres of land
area with ecological zones ranging from the dry savannahs in the north, to the
water abundant Niger Delta which is rich in energy and mineral deposits.
Nigeria possesses a well endowed environment and natural resource base both
renewable and non-renewable, and has remained a key player in all global
environmental initiatives since the 1970’s.
In 1987, Nigeria took a giant leap by becoming an
environmentally conscious nation following the dumping of toxic waste in Koko
village, in Delta State. The country was before this incident, ill- equipped to
manage such environmental crisis, as there were no institutional capacity and
legislations to address such matters.
It is a law maxim that “ubi societe, ubi jus” meaning that whenever there is Society
(Environment), there must be law that will regulate the interaction of man with
the environment.
Law consists of a body of rules of human conduct which is
imposed upon and enforced among the members of a given state while
‘Regulations’ on the other hand can be defined as a set of rules or orders
prescribed for management or government. Regulations have their roots in laws
and are put in place to ensure compliance with such laws.
The basis of environmental policy in Nigeria is contained
in the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Pursuant to
Section 20 of the Constitution, the State is empowered to protect and improve
the environment and safeguard the water, air and land, forest and wildlife of
Nigeria. In addition to this, Section 2 of the Environmental Impact Assessment
Act of 1992 (EIA Act) provides that the public or private sector of the economy
shall not undertake or embark on or authorize projects or activities without
prior consideration of the effect on the environment.
Law is a
body of directions or commands requiring or prohibiting certain conduct,
enforceable by legal sanctions. It is also a body of directions or commands
that grant authority to a public body or agency or requires such a body or
agency to carry out designated powers. Thus, environmental/public health law
forbids persons to engage in activities that endanger the health of others, and
it specifies government agencies to carry out certain programs to advance
environmental/public health and to prevent activities that are harmful to the
health of individuals or of the public.
discussing environmental/public health, it becomes apparent that the
"environmental/public" element is the legal component. Without the
law (without legal authorization of environmental/public health programs,
including the legal authorization and appropriation of public funds), the very
existence of the field of environmental/public health is in question.
The topic above
will be discussed under sub-topics of legal interventions in environmental
health control and court processes.
Yes, the very
existence of the field of environmental/public health is in question, because
this lecture intends to x-ray the very interventions and contributions of laws, decrees and Acts that are
relevant to and are of environmental/public health importance and their impact
on environmental/public health.
The lecture is
divided into three parts, the first being review of various laws, decrees and
Acts of environmental and public health importance. The second part will give a
short overview of what is a court, the various levels, the responsibility of an
environment regulator to a court, the trial and prosecution of environment
violators and court processes, while the third part is on questions and answers
on the environment.
Nigeria is
committed to a national environmental policy that will ensure sustainable
development based on proper management of the environment. This has necessitated
the Federal Government of Nigeria passing various laws and
regulations to safeguard the Nigerian environment thus promoting positive demands and
realistic planning that balances human needs against the carrying capacity of
the environment. This requires that a number of complementary policies,
strategies, management and approaches are put in place which should ensure,
among others, that:
a) environmental
concerns are integrated into major economic decision- making process;
b) environmental
remediation costs are built into major development projects;
c) economic
instruments are employed in the management of natural resources
d) environmentally
friendly technologies are applied;
Impact Assessment is mandatorily carried out before any major development
project is embarked on.
This policy,
in order to succeed must be built on the following sustainable development
a) The precautionary
principle which holds that where there are threats of serious or irreversible
damage, the lack of full scientific knowledge shall not be used as a reason for
postponing cost-effective means to prevent environmental degradation;
b) Pollution Prevention
Pays Principle (3p+) which encourages Industry to invest positively to prevent
The polluter pays principle (PPP) which suggests that the
polluter should bear the cost of preventing and controlling pollution;
The user pays principle (UPP), in which the cost of a
resource to a user must include all the environmental costs associated with its
extraction, transformation and use (including the costs of alternative or
future uses forgone);
c) The principle of
intergenerational equity which requires that the needs of the present
generation are met without compromising the ability of future generations to
meet their own needs;
d) The principle of
intra-generational equity which requires that different groups of people within
the country and within the present generation have the right to benefit equally
from the exploitation of resources and that they have an equal right to a clean
and healthy environment; and
e) The subsidiary
principle which requires that decisions should as much as possible be made by
communities affected or on their behalf by the authorities closest to them.[2]
In discussing Legal
intervention in Environmental Health Control one may like to ask; what
is legal intervention, what is environmental health and what is environmental
health Control.
Legal Intervention: is the procedure used in a lawsuit by which the court allows a third person
who was not originally a party to the suit to become a party, by joining with
either the plaintiff or the defendant.
In this
instance, legal intervention implies the legal activism that give meaning to
the import and intent of environmental health control and its impact in the
taming of the environment in a manner that human activities no longer
constitute danger to the environment though the instrumentalities of the laws,
bye-laws, decrees, acts, policies and direction of governance.
Health comprises those aspects of human health, including quality of life that
is determined by physical, chemical, biological, social and psychosocial
factors in the environment. It also refers to the theory and practice of
assessing, correcting, controlling and preventing those factors in the
environment that can potentially affect adversely the health of present and
future generations, while
Health Control is those services which
implement environmental health policies through monitoring and control
activities. They also carry out that role by promoting the improvement of
environmental parameters and by encouraging the use of environmentally friendly
and healthy technologies and behaviours. They also have a leading
role in developing and suggesting new policy areas.
explained Legal Intervention,
Environmental Health and Environmental Health Control, it is imperative to
review some of the laws, decrees and Acts that are relevant to and are of
environmental/public health impact in Nigeria. Such national legislations
include the followings:
- The
Public Health Laws (1917) now known as Public Health Law/Ordinance Cap 164
of 1958;
- The
Food and Drugs Decree, No. 35 of 1974;
- The
Standards Organisation of Nigeria Decree, No. 56 of 1971;
- The
Animal Disease Control Decree, No. 10 of 1988;
- Federal
Environmental Protection Agency Act of 1988
f. Harmful
Wastes (Special Criminal Provisions etc.) Act of 1988 (Harmful Wastes Act).
- The
Marketing of Breast Milk substitute Decree, No. 41 of 1990.
- Environmental
Impact Assessment Act of 1992
- The
National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC)
Decree No. 15 of 1993[3].
In addition,
there are some subsidiary policies and regulations made pursuant to substantive
Laws, Decrees and Acts to safeguard the Nigerian environment. These include:
1. National
Environmental Protection (Effluent Limitation) Regulations:
2. National
Environmental Protection (Pollution Abatement in Industries and Facilities
Generating Wastes) Regulations;
3. National
Environmental Protection (Management of Solid and Hazardous Wastes)
4. Environmental
Guidelines and Standards for the Petroleum Industry in Nigeria (EGASPIN) 2002,
published by the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR).
5. National
Environmental (Pollution Abatement in Mining and Processing of Coal, Ores and
Industrial Minerals) Regulations, 2009
6. National
Environmental (Sanitation and Wastes Control) Regulations, 2009
7. National
Environmental (Pollution Abatement in Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Soaps and
Detergent Manufacturing Industries) Regulations, 2009
8. National
Environmental (Pollution Abatement in Food, Beverages and Tobacco Sector)
Regulations, 2009
9. National
Environmental (Pollution Abatement in Textiles, Wearing Apparel, Leather and
Footwear Industry) Regulations, 2009
10. The National
Environmental (Wetlands, River Banks and Lake Shores Protection) Regulations,
11. The National
Environmental (Watershed, Hilly, Mountainous and Catchment Areas)
Regulations, 2009
12. National
Environmental (Ozone Layer Protection) Regulations, 2009
13. National
Environmental (Noise Standards and Control) Regulations, 2009
14. National
Environmental (Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing) Regulations,
15. National
Environmental (Permitting and Licensing Systems) Regulations, 2009. [4]
16. Abuja
Environmental Protection Board (Solid Waste Control/Environmental Monitoring)
Regulations 2005
17. Lagos State
Environmental Protection Agency Law
18. Akwa Ibom
State Environmental Protection and Waste Management Agency Law
19. Ondo State
Waste Management Law 2002 among several others.
Of all the laws affecting the environment
of particular concern are FEPA law, EIA Act, the National Environmental
Practice Regulation and most recently, the establishment of NESRA.
(1) Federal
Environmental Protection Agency Act of 1988 (FEPA Act).
The Act established a powerful Agency, a corporate body
with perpetual succession and common seal, and gave it power for the
responsibility of enforcing environmental protection measures. Its functions
- The
responsibility for the development of the environment in general and
environmental technology.
- Advising
the Federal Government on national environmental policies.
- Preparation
of master plans for the development of environmental science and
- Promotion
of co—operation in environmental science and technology with similar
bodies inside and outside Nigeria.
Other relevant sections are: Sections 15, 16, 17, 18 and
19 of the Act.
The following Regulations were made pursuant to the FEPA
i. National
Environmental Protection (Effluent Limitation) Regulations:
ii. National
Environmental Protection (Pollution Abatement in Industries and Facilities
Generating Wastes) Regulations; and
iii. National
Environmental Protection (Management of Solid and Hazardous Wastes)
(2) The above federal enactments however were not
sufficient in capturing the whole essence of environmental law, thus, creating
a vacuum in the effective enforcement of environmental laws, standards and
regulations in the country and as a result of this, NESREA was born. In addressing
the need for an enforcement Agency, the Federal Government in line with section
20 of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, established the
National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA) as
a parastatal of the Federal Ministry of Environment, Housing and Urban
(2). National
Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA)
there no Conflict with the establishment of NESREA alongside FEPA?
By the NESREA Act, the Federal Environmental Protection
Agency Act Cap F 10 LFN 2004 has been repealed.
The National Environmental Standards and Regulations
Enforcement Agency (NESREA), an Agency of the Ministry of Environment Housing
and Urban Development is charged with the responsibility of enforcing
environmental laws, regulations and standard in deterring people, industries
and organization from polluting and degrading the environment.
Was NESREA Established?
The NESREA Act was signed into law by President Umaru
Musa Yar’Adua, GCFR, and this has been published in the Federal Republic of
Nigeria Official Gazette No. 92, Vol. 94 of 31st July, 2007.
Is The Mandate Of NESREA?
NESREA has responsibility for the protection and
development of the environment, biodiversity conservation and sustainable
development of Nigeria’s natural resources in general and environmental
technology including coordination, and liaison with, relevant stakeholders
within and outside Nigeria on matters of enforcement of environmental
standards, regulations, rules, laws, policies and guidelines.
Is The Vision Of The Agency?
To ensure a cleaner and healthier environment for
Is The Mission Of The Agency?
To inspire personal and collective responsibility in building
an environmentally conscious society for the achievement of sustainable
development in Nigeria.
Is The Focus Of NESREA?
• To protect the environment
• Enforcement of Laws and Regulations on the Environment.
• Maintaining Environmental Standards.
• To create environmental awareness
• To engage in partnership in the protection of the
Are The Functions Of The Agency?
• Enforce compliance with laws, guidelines, policies and
standards on environmental matters;
• Coordinate and liaise with, stakeholders, within and
outside Nigeria on matters of environmental standards, regulations and
• Enforce compliance with the provisions of international
agreements, protocols, conventions and treaties on the environment including climate
change, biodiversity conservation, desertification, forestry, oil and gas,
chemicals, hazardous wastes, ozone depletion, marine and wild life, pollution,
sanitation and such other environmental agreements as may from time to time
come into force;
Are The Powers Of The Agency?
The Agency has powers to:
• Prohibit processes and use of equipment or technology
that undermine environmental quality;
• Conduct field follow up of compliance with set
standards and take procedures prescribed by law against any violator;
• Subject to the provision of the Constitution of the
Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999, and in collaboration with relevant judicial
authorities establish mobile courts to expeditiously dispense cases of
violation of environmental regulation.
The Federal Ministry of Environment (FME) administers and
enforces environmental laws in Nigeria. It took over this function in 1999 from
the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA), which was created under the
FEPA Act. FEPA was absorbed and its functions taken over by the FME in 1999.
The Federal Ministry of Environment has published several guidelines for the
administration of the FEPA and EIA Acts and procedures for evaluating
environmental impact assessment reports (EIA Reports). Furthermore, the FEPA
Act empowers the FME to require the production for examination of any licence
or permit granted to any person, to enter and search any land or building, and
to arrest any person whom they have reason to believe has violated any
environmental regulation. The approach of regulatory agencies is the prevention
of environmental damages, the regulation of potentially harmful activities and
the punishment of wilful harmful damage whenever this occurs.
The environmental agencies also adopt the approach of
engaging individuals and communities at risk of potential environmental damage
in dialogue. The EIA approval process adopted by the FME involves a system of
public hearings during the EIA evaluation process and interested members of the
public are invited to such hearings.
However, pursuant to the FEPA Act, each State and Local
Government in the country may set up its own environmental protection body for
the protection and improvement of the environment within the State. Each State
is also empowered to make laws to protect the environment within its
All the States
have environmental agencies and State laws; e.g. Abuja, the Federal Capita
Territory has issued the Abuja Environmental Protection Board (Solid Waste
Control/Environmental Monitoring) Regulations 2005 (“the Abuja Environmental
Protection Board Regulations”) which principally governs solid waste control in
Abuja. In Lagos State, the Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency Law, was
enacted to establish the Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency (LASEPA).
LASEPA’s functions include monitoring and controlling the disposal of waste in
Lagos State and advising the State Government on all environmental management
Lagos State has also enacted the Environmental Pollution
Control Law, to provide for the control of pollution and protection of the
environment from abuse due to poor waste management. Akwa Ibom State has
enacted the Environmental Protection and Waste Management Agency Law, which
established the Environmental Protection and Waste Management Agency. This
Agency is charged with responsibilities which include identifying and
proffering solutions to environmental protection problems in Akwa Ibom, and
monitoring and enforcing environmental protection standards and regulations.
(3). Environmental
Impact Assessment Act of 1992 (EIA Act).
The EIA Act was promulgated principally to enable the
prior consideration of environmental impact assessment of public or private
projects. Any person planning a project/activity which may have an impact on
the environment is statutorily required to prepare an EIA Report, and the
Report must set out the potential impact of the activity on the environment and
plans for preventing/mitigating the same, as well as clean up plans. All such Reports
must be approved by the FME. Attached to the EIA Act is a schedule of
activities and industries for which environmental impact assessments are
mandatory. These include Agriculture, Airport, Drainage and Irrigation, Land
Reclamation, Fisheries, Forestry, Housing, Industry, Infrastructure, Ports,
Mining, Petroleum, Power Generation and Transmission, Quarries, Railways,
Transportation, Resort and Recreational Development, Waste Treatment and
Disposal, and Water Supply. Any person who fails to comply with the provisions
of the EIA Act commits an offence and is liable on conviction, in the case of
an individual, to a fine or to a term of imprisonment for up to five years; and
fines are also imposed on guilty firms or corporations.
(4) Harmful Wastes
(Special Criminal Provisions) Act of 1988 Cap. 165 LFN.
This Act was enacted in the wake of the Koko saga,
Section 1 makes it an offence for any person to carry, deposit, dump or be in
possession of any harmful waste on Nigerian soil, inland water or seas. Section
2 of the Act lists parties to the crime, section 3 makes provisions for crimes
committed in prosecution of a common purpose and section 5 includes the
accessories after the fact. Any person found guilty of a crime under sections 1
to 5 of this Act shall be sentenced to imprisonment for life. And in addition,
i. Any
carrier, including aircraft, vehicle, container and any other thing whatsoever
used in transportation or importation of the harmful waste.
ii. Any land on which the harmful waste was
deposited or dumped; shall be forfeited to and vest in the Federal Military
Government, without any further assurance other than this Act. Other relevant
sections are: Sections 9, 10, 11, 12 of the Act.
(5) National
Environmental Health Practice Regulations 2007
These Regulations came into force in May, 2007 and the
purpose of the Regulations as provided under Section 1 inter alia includes:-
To provide a guideline for the enforcement of
the regulatory powers in the Act to prevent and abate nuisance and to protect,
preserve, and promote the physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being of
the public.
To prevent and control the incidence of
communicable diseases through environmental health intervention.
The Practice Regulations contains 100 sections in eleven
chapters where the duties and powers of Environmental Health Officers as well
as the Health Authority are highlighted. This is in addition to two other
important chapters which are chapters 12 and 13 on interpretations and
schedules respectively.
Sections 8 — 10 of the Regulation provide that all owners
of newly built premises are to apply for and obtain a certificate of fitness
for habitation, while an owner of an existing premises shall cause to be
inspected and be issued with a report, which shall qualify him for the issuance
of a certificate of fitness for continued habitation or certificate of fitness
for continued use.
licensed Environmental Health Officer is given the privilege of undertaking
inspection of premises in this regard.
The 3 sections are reproduced below:
8. All owners of newly built premises shall apply for and
obtain a certificate of fitness for habitation, as in schedule 1 to these
Regulations before occupation from the Environmental Health Authority and for
the purpose pay a prescribed fee.
9. (1) An owner of an existing premises shall, upon the
commencement of these regulations cause to be inspected and be issued with a
report which he shall present to the Environmental Health Authority for the
issuance of fitness for continued use”, as in Schedule 1 to these Regulations
and for this purpose pay a prescribed fee.
(2) The first certificate issued shall be valid for five
years after inspection for every new building, thereafter, the building shall
he issued “certificate of fitness for habitation”. “Continued habitation” or
for “continued use” for a subsequent period of three years.
(3) After the issuance of a “certificate of fitness for
continued habitation” or for “continued use” for a premises., any alteration in
such a premises likely to threaten the health of occupants of the premises or
their property shall render the certificate already issued for such purpose
(4) The Council shall from time to time issue operational
guideline on the procedure for the inspection and issuance of related
certificate, 10 any licensed Environmental Health Officer who undertakes such
inspection shall submit a copy of the reports of such inspection to the
Environmental Health Authority having jurisdiction over the area.
This function will give the Environmental Health Officers
a lot to do. The Government will surely benefit in terms of revenue. But of
concern is that we have only a few Environmental Health Officers on ground. The
Government will need to employ more hands because in effect all existing
premises in the State will have to be inspected. This is in addition to the new
ones yet to be occupied and the certificates of fitness as aforesaid be issued.
It is not a once and for all affairs. This may be five years in the first
instance and thereafter every 3 years.
Section 12 (2) which provides that “Dead bodies shall be
sanitarily disposed off or buried only in a place approved by the Environmental
Health Authority in charge of the area” poses a new challenge which hitherto
has not been tapped.
Authorization: - No corpse shall be buried in or on any private
premises unless the deceased was by customary law entitled to be buried thereon
and the person responsible for burying the corpse has obtained a written
authorization from a Health Officer for the burial of the corpse.
Section 77 of Chapter 9 deals with Emission limit permit
It provides that:-
Every owner of a motor vehicle or motorcycle
shall cause to be assessed annually the emission permissible status of his
vehicle to ensure that the emission level from such vehicle is within the
permissible limit.
This assessment shall be carried out by a
designated person certified by relevant government agency or authority.
The Environmental Health Authority, once
satisfied that emission level of such a vehicle is within the permissible limit
shall issue an Emission Limit Permit to such a vehicle for that year.
the purpose of this section, Environmental Health Officers on duty with other
relevant government agents shall have power to stop vehicle and demand for and
examine the emission limits permit of such a vehicle or demand that the vehicle
be taken to an appropriate facility for assessment or reassessment as the case
may be”
Pollution control measure of this magnitude is necessary
as its continuous unabatement constitutes danger to health of the public this
is therefore a challenge to the Environmental Health Authority not to shy away
from the execution of this aspect of the regulation.
Under this same chapter sections 81 and 82 provide for
the noise pollution and radiation and health control respectively This is also
an area which if not checked by the Health Authority noise pollution shall
continue to be hazardous to the public health
of Nuisance Under Section 92 of the Practice Regulations
There is a similarity in what obtains under section 92 of
the regulation and Section 8 of the Public Health Law only to the extent of
service with the abatement notice.
Sections 92, 93 and 94 of the Regulation should be
combined together and compared with section 8 of the Public Health Law.
Sections 92, 93 and 94 of the Practice Regulations are
reproduced below:-
92 (1) An Environmental Health Officer shall if satisfied
of the existence of a nuisance, serve a notice, hereinafter called an abatement
notice (Schedule XV)
(a) On the person who causes or continuous to cause the
nuisance or.
(b) If such person cannot be found on the premises
occupier or owner or developer of the premises on which the nuisance was caused
shall be served with notice requiring him to abate the nuisance within the time
specified in the notice and to execute such works, and to do such things as may
be necessary for that purpose and if the Environmental Health Officer thinks It
desirable, may specify any work to be executed.
93 (1) Where an abatement notice has been served on a
premises or industry and action is not taken within twenty four hours or as
stated in such notice and if the Environmental Health Officer believes such a
premises poses great danger to the public health, then, the Industry or the
premises shall be sealed:
(2) A notice to seal any premises
shall be signed by either the Head of the Local Government Environmental
Authority, the Head of the State Environmental Head Authority or the representative
of the Minister and posted in a conspicuous place in the premises. The notice
to seal the premises shall be issued in the appropriate form as contained in
schedule XIII to this Regulation; See Annexure A
(3) A notice to seal premises shall be deemed
to have been served properly if it is served on an adult person in the
premises, fixed in a conspicuous place in the premises or at the registered
office of the company;
(4) A premises sealed under this section
shall remain sealed under this section shall remain sealed until such a time
when the reason for sealing of the premises has been rectified and the premises
or any part thereof is no more a threat to Public health or Public safety.
94. Environmental and Hearth safety concerns shall
prevail over any other considerations when carrying out environmental Health
All that is required is that once an abatement notice has
been served on a premises or industry on which a nuisance was caused and if the
Environmental Health Officer is satisfied that the premises poses great danger
to the health of the public and an action is not taken within twenty four
hours, the premises may be ordered to be sealed, until the time when the
officer ordering the sealing is satisfied that the nuisance no longer exist
provided that the authority sealing the premises shall depose to an affidavit
stating the facts about the nuisances found in the premises and its great
danger to health. This must be attached to the Sealing Order Form and brought
to a magistrate for approval. Once this is done the premises shall be sealed.
99 of the Regulations provides for the penalty of
any person or establishment that contravenes any of the provisions of the
Practice Regulations. On conviction, such an offender will be liable to a fine
not exceeding two hundred thousand Naira (N200, 000.00).
This penalty is unprecedented when we consider it with
the fines we have in all the health laws existing before the Regulation came
into effect on 8th May 2007. Since the Public Health Law, the Bye
Laws and even the State Waste Management Law, are still subsisting; it is my
belief that the court may be faced with the imposition of different penalties
even for the same or similar charge preferred against different health
Among other federal enactments are:
(i) The Oil in Navigable Waters Act, 1968 which
specifically states offences, defenses and penalties.
(ii) Petroleum Act (Cap. 350), LFN, 1990.
(iii) The River Basin Development Act (Cap. 269) LFN
reviewed most of the
laws, decrees and Acts that are relevant to and are of environmental/public
health impact in Nigeria, it is apt to affirm the notorious fact that Nigeria
as a nation since imperative to state that Nigeria as a nation since 1917 has had
in place laws, decrees and Acts that are relevant to and are of
environmental/public health impact and has progressively continued to develop
on it.
There is no gain saying the fact
that laws carries sanction and people in fear of being sanctioned often respect
and obey laws. There has never being any study to give direction on whether our
people obey laws, decrees and Acts that are relevant to and are of
environmental/public health for the health benefit of fear of sanction and
penalty that comes with non-compliance. Suffice to say that when people obey
environmental/public health laws, the environment is made safe, healthy and
conducive for human activities in a manner that the future use of this
environment is guaranteed, while still adequately meeting up with the demand of
the present, this is the principle of sustainable development.
I must quickly add that whenever and
wherever environmental/public health laws are demeaned, there is always
attendant environmental/public health crisis. No wonder that adherence to laws,
decrees and Acts that are of environmental/public has hitherto played major
role in the successes recorded in our current campaign and eradication of
several endemic and communicable diseases like yawn, drancutiasis, smallpox and
to some extent onchocerciasis and polio.
The environmental/public health
regulators need to move a step further by educating the populace about the
importance of obeying these environmental/public health laws both at promoting
healthy living and at sustaining the environment. Environmental health officer
by training is a health educator and a social mobiliser.
It reminds one of the military
administrations of Major Generals Mohammed Buhari (Rtd.)/Tunde Idiagbon (late)
as they then was who introduced the “War Against Indiscipline and Corruption”. You
will all agreed with me that it was the regime also introduced the monthly
sanitation in the country, thus the level of environmental/public health
consciousness was at its peak then and every citizen of Nigeria knew what it
means to be clean minded as you dare not urinate, defeacate or drop refuse or
waste in the public places or indiscriminately.
My dear sanitarians, I want to
submit that legal intervention has positively impacted on environmental health
management and control. Our courts have also being forthcoming in the
implementation, interpretation and prosecution of sanitary offenders or
environment violators.
This act of our laws, decrees and
Acts makers and the courts have assisted in taming the environment, so that it
no longer constitute danger or pose threat to human existence within the ambit
of the environment.
The above interventions and impact
of laws, decrees of environmental/public health notwithstanding, there is still
the danger of policy summersault that is not too healthy in the implementation
of environmental/public health laws. These among others include:
a) environmental/public health
policies/regulations that do not carry sanctions
b) inadequate re-training of
environmental health officers in are of professional challenges
c) lacklustre attitude of court
administrators on matter relating to environmental/public health laws
d) inadequate funding of
environmental/public health activities
e) poor remuneration of
environmental/public health officers
f) poor or inadequate logistics for
effective performance of environmental/public health regulators
g) Lack of coordinate cooperation,
understanding, intersectoral and interdepartmental synergy among the
environmental/public health regulators among several others.
The Nigerian legal system has had a lot of influence from
English law on its growth. Right now, English law forms a substantial part of
Nigerian law. However, the Nigerian legal system is somewhat complex, and has
several sub-systems.
- At
the Federal level, there is a general federal legal system that is
applicable throughout the country.
- At
the lower levels, each state (including Abuja) has its own legal system.
- Also,
local customs are applicable laws in some states.
Public law is the part of the law that deals mainly with
the state. It controls the relationship between different parts of the
government, as well as the relationship between individuals and the state. It
is criminal in nature.
The main parts of public law are:
The main parts of public law are:
- Criminal Law:
the part of the law that deals with crimes being committed and punishment
of those crimes. Criminal law is that part of the law dealing with crimes
being committed. A crime or an offense is an act or omission punishable by
the state, which is already contained as an 'offense' in the written law.
Criminal proceedings are carried out mainly to punish the 'wrongdoer'.
Criminal proceedings are controlled by the state although private persons
may sometimes institute such proceedings.
In the southern states, crimes are classified by the
seriousness of the crime, which can be a:
- felony
- misdemeanour
- simple
The seriousness of the crime
is supposed to determine the length of jail time and/or the bail amount.
(I don't know if the
northern states have the same classification or not.)
Southern states also classify crimes by whether they are indictable or non indictable offence is any offence which on conviction may be punished by a term of imprisonment exceeding two years or by imposition of a fine exceeding N500.00. (Section 2 Magistrates' Courts Law, Lagos, 2004.) Indictable offenses are based on being previously written in the law, or have a certain bail amount, or have a certain jail term to be served, while Non-indictable offence is any offence other than indictable offence.
Southern states also classify crimes by whether they are indictable or non indictable offence is any offence which on conviction may be punished by a term of imprisonment exceeding two years or by imposition of a fine exceeding N500.00. (Section 2 Magistrates' Courts Law, Lagos, 2004.) Indictable offenses are based on being previously written in the law, or have a certain bail amount, or have a certain jail term to be served, while Non-indictable offence is any offence other than indictable offence.
- Constitutional
Law: the part of the law that deals with
- the
structure of different parts of the government
- the
relationship between them
- their
principal functions
- Administrative
Law: the part of the law that deals with
the functions of the different government agencies.
- Revenue
Law: the part of the law that controls
taxation and other sources of government revenue.
Private law is the part of the law that deals mainly with
the relationship between individuals. It is civil in nature. Civil law is the
law governing conduct which is generally not punishable by state. Civil
proceedings are carried out mainly to enable people to enforce their rights and
receive compensation for injuries that other people have caused to them. Civil
proceedings are usually taken by individuals, but the state may be a party to
the civil proceeding.
Private law includes, but not limited to:
Private law includes, but not limited to:
- Law
of Contract: when a written agreement is
- Law
of Tort: when a non-written agreement is
- Law
of Trust: when someone is supposed to deal
with property for the interest of someone else.
- Law
of Property: this controls title or interest
in property. This can be further divided into:
- real
property (like real estate)
- personal
property, which can be further divided into:
- tangible
property (property that can be touched, like stocks, etc.)
- intangible
property (property that can not be touched, like copyrights, etc.)
- Company
Law: the part of the law that governs the
association of different people having a common object like a business
- Partnership
Law: governs the agreements between two or
more people who have agreed to carry on a business and share the profits
and losses in predetermined proportions.
- Commercial
Law: controls trade and commerce.
- Family
Law: deals with family issues such as
marriage, parent-and-child relationships, custody, adoption, etc.
- Law
of Succession: governs how property
is passed on after someone dies.
- Private
International Law: deals with cases that
involve more than one legal system.
- Law
of Evidence: relates to proof that is provided
in a court room.
- Law
of Remedies: governs the remedies given by the
court for an offense.
- Damages:
when money is offered as compensation for the offense.
- Mandatory
Injunction: when the court orders an
individual to perform a certain act.
- Prohibitive
Injunction: when the court orders an
individual NOT to perform a certain act, or to STOP performing a certain
- Specific
Performance: when the court
orders someone to fulfil an obligation. [5]
The sources of Nigerian law are:
- Nigerian
- English
law which consists of:
- the
received English law which was introduced into Nigerian law by Nigerian
Legislature, and consists of:
- the
common law
- the
doctrines of equity
- statutes
of general application in force in England on January 1, 1900
- statutes
of subsidiary legislation on specified matters
- English
law made before October 1, 1960 (independence day) and extending to
Nigeria (and was introduced into Nigerian law by the English Legislation,
and must be repealed by the appropriate authority in Nigeria before it is
no longer applicable in Nigeria, regardless of it's applicability in
- Customary
- Judicial
precedents: the principle of law on which a judicial decision is based.
Nigerian legislation consists of:
- Statutes:
laws enacted by the Legislature (which is a part of the government). This
further consists of:
- Ordinances:
laws passed by the Nigerian Central Legislature before October 1, 1954.
- Acts:
an enactment made by the Federal Legislature before January 16, 1966 and
at the onset of this current democratic dispensation effective 29th
May 1999.
- Laws:
any enactment made by the Legislature of a region or of a State House of
Assembly having effect as if made by that Legislature, or any subordinate
- Decrees:
an enactment made by the Federal Military Government.
- Edicts:
enactment made by a military governor, or by the administrator of a
- Bye-laws: any enactment
made by the Councillors or the Legislature of a Local Government in
Nigeria having effect as if made by that Legislature with a
jurisdictional scope limited to the Local Government enacting the
- Subsidiary
Legislation: laws enacted in the exercise of
powers given by a statute.
Customary Law
Customary law consists of customs that people in a
certain community hold as being binding to them, and recognized as law by them.
Customary laws may be relevant for certain ethnic groups, or certain religions,
and sometimes even for certain states.
Ethnic customary law for the most part is unwritten, and of course, may adjust with the times. Religious customary law can usually be found in the applicable 'book'.
There are two ways of establishing customary laws before the courts:
Ethnic customary law for the most part is unwritten, and of course, may adjust with the times. Religious customary law can usually be found in the applicable 'book'.
There are two ways of establishing customary laws before the courts:
- By
Proof: proving it to the court
- By
Judicial Notice: obvious facts that don't need to be proved
Before going further, a few definitions will be made:
- Superior
Court: Courts that have 'unlimited'
- Inferior
Court: Courts whose jurisdiction limits
depend on the type and value of the subject matter.
- Court
of Record: A court which has all matters
dealt with documented and same can be recall, if and when the need arises
and has the power to punish contempt.
Nigerian courts fall into the following levels:
- Supreme
Court: It is established under Section 230 of
the 1999 Constitution. It has no original criminal jurisdiction. It only
entertains criminal appeals from Court of Appeal – Section 233 (1) of the
1999 Constitution. This is a superior court of record, and the highest
level of courts in Nigeria.
- Court
of Appeal: It is established under Section
237 of the 1999 Constitution. It has no original criminal jurisdiction. It
only exercises appellate criminal jurisdiction from decisions of the State
and federal High court, the High Court of the FCT and the Court Martial –
Section 240 of the 1999 Constitution. This is a superior court (of
record). It is mainly a court of appeal, and has exclusive jurisdiction to
hear appeals from the State High Courts, the Federal Revenue Court now
Federal High Courts, and other courts as specified by law.
- Courts
of Resolution: This is a court
mostly in the northern states, and it has the jurisdiction to resolve
conflicts between the High Court and the Sharia Court of Appeal., or to
decide which court has jurisdiction in cases where both decide that they
do not have the jurisdiction.
- Sharia
Courts of Appeal: This is a superior
customary court of record which hears appeals from the Upper Area courts
in cases on the Northern States and the Federal Capital Territory that
involve Muslim personal law.
- Customary
Courts of Appeal: This is a superior
customary court of record which hears appeals from the customary courts in
cases that involve customary and personal laws. It is for the Southern
states and Federal Capital Territory.
- Federal
High Court: The Federal High Court was
first established by the Federal Revenue Court Act of 1973 and known under
that statute as the Federal Revenue Court. It was restyled the Federal
High Court by section 230 (2) of the Constitution 1979, now
Section 249 of the 1999 Constitution. The criminal jurisdiction of FHC is
provided in Section 251 (20 and (3) of 1999 Constitution. This court
operates in at least 9 judicial divisions with more is still being
established, and in the end, covers the entire country. The area of each
division is determined by the president of the court. Most of its cases
have to deal with matters of revenue.
- State
High Courts: It is established under Section
270 of the 1999 Constitution. There is a single court for each State; the
division of a State into judicial divisions is for administrative
conveniences. These are courts set up in each state. If customary and area
courts exist in the state, the High courts do not deal with Customary
laws. Their jurisdiction is usually determined by the subject type and the
monetary value. They can hear appeals from the lower courts.
- Magistrate
Courts: Every state has a magistrate
court. The magistrates in each state are divided into a number of classes,
and the classification determines the level of jurisdiction and the powers
that each magistrate owns. Magistrates are appointed, and the rules and
classifications can differ from state to state.
- District
Courts: These courts exist in some of the
Northern states. Their jurisdiction involves civil cases dealing with
monetary issues within a certain value.
- Customary
and Area Courts: These courts exist in
many states, and deal with issues that are covered in the customary law.
They are under the control and supervision of the Minister of Justice of
the state. They have unlimited civil jurisdiction in cases of family law,
and criminal jurisdiction in a few areas.
- Juvenile
Courts: Some states have special courts
that are established for the trial of young offenders, and for the welfare
of the young. They mainly consist of a magistrate and some other members.
- Coroners:
A coroner is a person that can hold inquests on the body of a deceased
person who seems to have died a violent or unnatural death, or a body that
belong to any other class specified by the appropriate Coroner's law.
Coroners can be Magistrates or other people. The main purpose would be to
investigate the cause of death.
- National
Industrial Courts: These courts deal
with trade disputes (any dispute between employees, or between employees
and their employer) and collective agreements (disputes between different
organizations and/or employers).
- Military
Courts: These courts exist in some parts of
the country, and their jurisdiction is limited to members of the military.
- Tribunals:
These are bodies performing judicial or quasi-judicial functions. They
have been determined by the legislature to be experts in a particular area
of the law, and are given permission to deal with a certain area of the
Section 72
of the Public Health Law of 1957 states that “A health officer whilst acting as
such shall have all the powers and privileges which could be exercised, or
would be possessed by a Police officer (emphasis mine) for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this
Law including the power of such officer:
a) of detaining
or arresting any person who has, or is reasonably suspected of having,
committed an offence against the law;
b) to appear
for the prosecution of such offences in a magistrate’s court or a customary
[Police Act 1967 No. 41: Chapter P19, Part IV Section 23 on Powers
of Police Officer “Subject to the provisions of sections 160 and 191 of the
Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (which relate to the power of
the Attorney-General of the Federation and of a State to institute and
undertake, take over and continue or discontinue criminal proceedings against
any person before any court of law in Nigeria), any police officer may conduct
in person all prosecutions before any court whether or not the information or
complaint is laid in his name”]
Flowing from the
above, Environmental Health Officers has enormous duties and power when it comes
to environmental management and control. The health officer has the power to
enter any premises at any time (Section 10 of the Public Health Law of 1957) for the purpose
of examining as to the existence thereon of any nuisance.
Part I,
Section 2 of the Public Health Law of 1957, define premises to means and
includes messuages, buildings, lands, tenements, hereditaments, vehicles,
tents, vans, structures of any kind, drains, ditches or places open, covered or
enclosed, and any ship or vessel in any port or on any inland waters.
The law in
Section 7 of the Public Health Law of 1957 empowers a health officer, if
satisfied of the existence of a nuisance (Section 6 of the Public Health Law of
1957) to serve a notice called Abatement notice. This is the commencement of
legal intervention in environmental health management and control. The
non-compliance with the content of the abatement notice after the effusion of
given time will lead to issuance of a Court summon.
What is a Court Summon? Is a processes to
compel attendance of a court by an accused person, there are three different
ways of securing the appearance of an accused before the court which will try
him. These are:
(a) By summons
(b) By Arrest on Warrant and
(c) By Arrest without Warrant
Summons is
usually preceded by a complaint laid before a magistrate or a judge.
Note: that a
summons to appear and a warrant of arrest may be issued on or served on any day
including - a Sunday or public holiday. See section 24 Criminal Procedure
Act and 82 Criminal Procedure Act
Who may
issue summons: A summons to appear may be issued by a court against
any suspect. Section 8 of the Public
Health Law of 1957, Section 80 Criminal Procedure Act and section 47(1)
Criminal Procedure Code. Such a summon, must state in writing the
substance of complaint, name of the accused, the date of issue, and must be in
duplicate, signed by the Magistrate.
Manner of
Service - Summons should normally be served personally on the person summoned.
Part VIII, Section 68 of the Public Health Law of 1957, section 89(a) Criminal
Procedure Act and section 49(1) Criminal Procedure Code.
Manner of substituted service:
This may be done, by leaving a copy of the summons
with an adult male member of the accused family, occupier or affixed to a
conspicuous part of the premises in which the accused ordinarily resides. Note
the need for leave of court before substituted service.
Mode of
receipt of service: Person served must acknowledge receipt by signing the
back of the duplicate.
Note: that a person who refuses to sign such duplicate
may be detained or committed to prison when the Court is formally informed as
the act will be viewed by the Court as contempt.
What is
Contempt of Court? Contempt of Court has
variously been defined as:
a) ‘Scorn, disgrace, disregard of the rule or an offence
against the dignity of the court…’See Chambers English Dictionary 7th Ed.
b) ‘any act which is calculated to embarrass, hinder or
obstruct the court in administration of justice or which is calculated to lessen
its authority or dignity and to adversely affect the confidence of the public
in the courts ability to dispense justice’. See Blacks Law Dictionary, 6th Ed.
c) ‘any conduct which tends to bring into disrespect,
scorn or disrepute the authority and administration of the law or which tends
to interfere with and/or prejudice litigants and/or their, witnesses in the
course of litigation’.- per Idigbe JSC in Atake v. A. G. FED. & anor
(1972) 11 SC 175
d) ‘action or inaction amounting to an interference with
or obstruction or having a tendency to interfere with or obstruct the
administration or justice’. See Awobokun v. Adeyemi. (1968) NMLR 289.
The purpose of the power of court to punish for
contempt is to preserve the honor of the court and to prevent undue interference
with the administration of justice, but not to bolster up the power and dignity
of the Judge as an individual. (See Parashuram Detram Shamdasan v King
Emperor. (1945) AC (a) 268)
There are 2 types of contempt: Criminal and Civil
Contempt: These are words or acts which
obstruct or tend to obstruct or interfere with the administration of justice.
It is an offence upon the court. Examples
- To
call a judge a liar.
- To
allege that he is partial. VIDYSAGARA
v. THE QUEEN 1963 AC 589.
- To
say in the course of judgment, ‘that is a most unjust remark’. STAFFORD
COUNTRY JUDGE 1888 – 57 LTQB 483 JORDAN 36 289.
- Comments
that scandalize the court (oral and written).
- Insulting
language, disrespectful attitude, acts of violence.
- Private
communication with a judge to influence his judgment (whether or not
accompanied with a bribe). See Awobokun v. Adeyemi (supra)
contempt: This means contempt in procedure,
consisting of disobedience to the judgments, orders or other process of court.
It involves a private injury – in other words, it violates the rights of a
person who benefits under a judgment or order, when such judgment or order is
of Contempt: Contempt can either
be in the face of the court – In-facie curie or outside the face of the court –
ex-facie curie.
in-facie-curie: This means contempt
committed in the face of the court, in other words contempt committed in the
immediate view of the court room or so near the presence of the court, which
obstructs or interferes with due administration of justice or is calculated to
do so.
ex-facie-curie: This means contempt committed outside the face of the
court. It consists of words (spoken or published) or acts outside the court
which are intended or likely to interfere with or obstruct the fair
administration of justice. See Dr. OLU ONAGORUWA FCA/E/117/79/NO 5/2/80. Examples are: Refusal to obey a lawful
order of court such as an injunction.
Civil contempt falls under
the category of contempt ex facie curiae.
See generally – OBIEKWE ANIWETA
v. THE STATE FSA/E/47/78 delivered on 16.8.78, Awobokun v. Adeyemi (1968) NMLR 289 at 294, Afe Babalola v. Federal Electoral Commission
& anor, Suit No: AK/MA/77 of 21.2.78
Acts that amount to Contempt of Court
A breach of the duty to respect the judge may amount to contempt.
However it is not every act of discourtesy that amounts to contempt.
See Izuora v. R 13 WACA p. 313.
It may not be possible to particularize the act that constitutes
contempt. See Agbachom v. The State (1970) 1 All NLR p. 69
A fair and civil criticism made against a judge may not amount to
contempt (even if it is strongly worded). See Okoduwa v. State (1988) 3
SCNJ 110
The following acts would
amount to contempt of court –
Impeding service of court process.
Neglect of duties by Sheriffs and other officers of court.
Disobedience to a sub poena.
Refusal of witness to answer questions.
Insulting or Outrageous or Scandalous language to court.
Publication in a newspaper or article containing scurrilous personal
abuse of a judge, with reference to his conduct as a judge in a judicial
proceeding which has terminated.
Publication in the newspaper misrepresenting court proceeding. See S.
133(4) of the Criminal Code.
A letter accusing a Judge of bias is contemptuous. See Deduwa v. The
(1975) 1 ALL NLR (pt. 1) 1
Proof of Contempt
Contempt of court is a
quasi-criminal offence and the standard of proof is beyond reasonable doubt.
See Agbachom v. The State (1970)
1 ALL NLR 71, See also Awobokun v. Adeyemi (supra)
a) Even a civil contempt such
as refusal to obey a court injunction must be proved beyond reasonable doubt.
See American Int. Security and Telecommunications systems(Nig) ltd v. Eugene
Peterson & & anor Suit no: FRC/L/1077 of 27.10.78
For contempt in facie curiae, the High Court can deal summarily with
the contemnor. The Judicial officer before whom the contempt is committed can
put the contemnor in the dock (not the witness box) and ask him to show cause
why he should not be punished.
b) However, the court must
exercise caution. See Awobokun v. Adeyemi
c) The contemnor must be given
fair hearing in accordance with the rules of natural justice.
d) Putting the contemnor in
the dock is so as not to infringe his constitutional rights that no person
accused of a crime shall be compelled to give evidence. S.36 (11) CFRN 1999.
e) The cases to be tried
summarily should be such that the facts are so notorious as to be virtually
f) When a contempt is not
committed in the face of the court, a judge who has been personally attacked
should not as far as possible hear the case. See Awobokun v. Adeyemi (supra)
g) A court may also adopt the
procedure of apprehension/arrest, charge, prosecution etc. instead of the
summary trial (where the act amounts to contempt ex facie). See Boyo v. A.
G. Mid-West (1971) 1 ALL NLR 342, Oku
v. The State (1970) 1 ALL NLR p. 60, Maharaj v. A. G. for Trinidad and
Tobago (1977) 1 ALL NLR 411
Jurisdiction of Courts to Punish for Contempt
a) The inherent power of the
High Court to punish for contempt summarily is for the preservation of the
honor of the court, not for the personal aggrandizement of the Judge. See
Obiekwe Aniweta v. The State (supra), Deduwa v. Okorodudu (1975) 2 SC p. 37
b) However, the power must be
exercised with caution. See Awobokun v. Adeyemi (supra)
c) Under S. 133 C. C. and S.
155 P. C., any person who commits contempt as defined under the respective
codes can be charged in a magistrate court and tried under the CPC and CPA
Punishment for Contempt
a) Contempt is viewed
seriously and should be very sternly dealt with and in good time. See in Re
Boyo (1970) 1 ALL NLR 116
b) The punishment is
imprisonment, sometimes with option of fine. A contemnor may also be ordered to
execute a security bond to be of good behavior for a stated period. See Kitkat
v. Sharp (1882) 52 LJ ch. 134
c) A contemnor may be ordered
to be kept in prison until he is purged of contempt. See Ikabala v. Ojosipe Suit
no: LD/967/71 OF 30.3.72
d) A contemnor whose conduct
is unintentional, and who purges his contempt by an apology + credible
explanation will be pardoned. See The State v. Ekundayo & &
anor. KWS/106/77 OF 2.9.77
e) Contempt under S. 133 C. C.
carries a maximum of 3 months. Okoma v. Udoh (2002)1 NWLR (pt. 748) 438
f) Civil contempt carries a
maximum of 6 months imprisonment.
See Afe Babalola v. Fedeco & & & anor
AK/ML/77 of 21.2.78 at 17-23
of trial
The accused shall appear or
be brought before the court, and the charge shall be read and explained to him
to the satisfaction of the court by the registrar. He shall thereafter be asked
to plead to the charge. See section 187(1) Criminal Procedure Code and
section 215 Criminal Procedure Act. This is called arraignment. See Kajubo
versus the State (1988) 1. NWLR 72 (Pt. 73). Ogunye versus State (1999) 5
NWLR (Pt. 604) 548; Kalu versus State
(1998) 13 NWLR (Pt. 583, 531) See also Yahaya vs. the State (2002) FWCR (pt 93)
P. 2044
open to an accused:
(i) Preliminary objection
He may raise a preliminary
objection to the jurisdiction of the court to try him or to a defect in the
charge. His objection shall be duly considered and if upheld, he shall be
discharged. However, if overruled, then he shall be asked to plead.
Refusal to plead:
He may refuse to plead to
the charge. He shall thereafter be asked by the court for his reasons.
Where the court is of the view that those reasons are not valid and the accused
still refuses to plead, a plea of not guilty" shall be entered on his
behalf and the trial shall proceed. See Gaji versus the State (1975) 5 S.C.
60. See also section 220 Criminal Procedure Act
and section 188 Criminal Procedure Code.
Stand mute:
He may stand mute and the
court shall call evidence to determine whether his muteness is of malice or due
to the visitation of God. If the Court finds that his muteness is of malice, a
plea of not guilty shall be entered and the trial shall proceed. See Yesufu
versus The State ( 1972) 12 S.C. 143,
and The State versus Sawyer C.C.H.C.H/4/73 at page 11. However, if his
muteness is of the visitation of God (e.g. insanity) the trial shall not
proceed and the accused shall be ordered to be detained until the pleasure of
the Governor is known. See R. versus Ogor (1961)
1 All NLR 70. Where the accused is found
to be deaf and or dumb, the court shall further take evidence to determine
whether the' , accused can be made to understand and follow the proceedings. If
so, trial shall proceed; if not, the accused shall be remanded in custody or
released on bail until the visitation is over, or until the Governor's pleasure
is known.
(iv) Plea of guilty:
The accused may plead guilty
to the charge. Such a plea of guilty shall be recorded by the court as nearly
as possible in the words used by the accused. If the court is satisfied that by
the plea, the accused intends to admit the truth of the essentials of the
offence, it may proceed to convict him on the plea. See section 215: Criminal
Procedure Act and sections 187 and 161(3) Criminal Procedure Code.
See also Aremu versus The COP (1980) 2 N.C.R. 315; Ahmed versus The C.
O.P (1971) N. M.L.R..409; Osuji versus The Police ( 1965) L.L.R. 143;
Idah versus The Police (1964) NMLR 103.
of plea of guilty:
The plea of the accused must
not be ambiguous, otherwise the court shall not convict upon it. See Onuoha
versus The Police (1956) N.NLR 96.
stated by the prosecution must support the charge to which the accused has
pleaded guilty otherwise the court shall not convict. See Abele
versus Tiv N. A. (1965) N.NLR 425.
the plea of guilty is inconsistent with any statement made by the accused
either to the police or in court, he shall not be convicted on his plea: See R.
versus The Middlesex Justice Exparte Rubens (1970) 54 Cr. App. Rep. 183:
the offence to which the accused has pleaded can only be constituted by expert
evidence, such 'evidence must be tendered before he can be convicted on his
plea. See Stevenson versus The Police (1966) 2 All NLR 261; See also
Ishola versus The State (1969) NMLR 259. Note: Essien versus
The King 13 W.A.C.A 6.
(v). Plea
of not guilty:
The accused may make a plea
of not guilty. in which case he shall be deemed to have put himself upon his
trial See section 217 Criminal Procedure Act and section 188 Criminal
Procedure Code.
(vi). Plea
of not guilty by reason of insanity:
The accused may plead not
guilty by reason of insanity and the court shall proceed with trial and
(a) whether the accused did commit the offence; and
(b) whether he was insane at the time of
committing the offence. if the accused is found not to have committed the
offence, he shall be discharged and the court shall not decide the issue of
If he is found to have
committed the offence and to be insane at the time of committing it, he shall
be remanded in prison custody until the Governor's pleasure is known. See R. versus Ogor (1961)
1 All NLR 70.
(vii). Plea
of autrefois acquit or autrefois convict:
The accused may make a
special plea of autrefois acquit or autrefois convict which has been provided
for in section 36(9) of the Constitution , that: "No person who shows that
he has been tried by a competent court for a Criminal offence and either
convicted or acquitted shall again be tried for that offence or for a Criminal
offence, having the same ingredients as that offence, save upon the order of a
superior court". See also sections 221, 181 Criminal Procedure
Act and 223 Criminal Procedure Code. This issue of this special plea
shall be tried by the court and if found proved, the accused shall be
discharged. If found not proved, the accused shall be asked to enter a plea and
the court shall proceed with the trial.
and recording of plea:
Plea must be made by the
accused and not by his counsel, unless the presence of the accused at the trial
could be dispensed with. See R. versus Pepple and
Another ( 1949) 12 W.A.C.A. 441.
The plea must be recorded by
the court before the trial can proceed. See Sanmabo versus The State (1967)
NNLR 314. When the accused is charged with more than one offence, a plea must
be obtained and recorded in respect of each offence. See The Police versus
Rosseck (1958) L.L.R. 73. Note: Akinde versus The Attorney General S.C. 1251
1965 decided on 30/4/65 and Ayinde versus The State (1980) N.C.R. 242.
What is a
charge: A charge is a document containing the statement and particulars of
offence(s) with which a person is accused and tried before a court of law. In
the magistrates' courts in the South and the courts of the Northern States, it
is referred to as a charge, while in the High Court in the South as
information. It is usually drafted and signed by the appropriate authorities,
having power to charge an accused person. In the High-Court, a law officer or
private prosecutor can sign an information.
guiding the drafting of Charges
a) Rule against
b) Rule against
c) Rule against
misjoinder of offenders
d) Rule against
misjoiner of offences
Rule against ambiguity: This rule
postulates that a charge must be clear enough as to give the accused person
adequate notice of the offence with which he is charged. Consequently, the rule
attaches itself more particularly on the Count or, each of the Counts contained
in the charge sheet or information.
A good charge free from ambiguity
will reflect, in this order, the following:
the name of the accused;
date of commission of the offence
place of commission of the offence
the description of the offence by the name giving to
the offence by the law creating it where the law defines the offence; or so
much of the particulars of the offence as will give the accused sufficient
notice of the charge against him; or person against whom the name of the thing
in respect of which the offence was committed.
the section of the law under which the accused will be
punished and the law itself.
(Sections 151 and 152(1) Criminal Procedure
Act Sections 201 and 202 Criminal Procedure Code, Garba versus State (1999) 11 N. W.L.R. (Pt 627) 422.)
Effect of non-compliance:
As the whole essence of this rule is to give an
accused person notice of the charge against him some errors on the part of the
prosecutor will not essentially invalidate the charge or lead the court to set
aside any conviction, based on the charge. (Duru versus the Police (1960)
L.L.R 130. The court held that the errors in the charges were fundamental in Okeke versus The Police
(1965) 2 All NLR 81).
Generally, the court does not regard any omission or
errors in the charge as material except the accused was in fact misled by such
error or omission.
In Obakpolor versus The
State (1991) 1 N.W.L.R, 113, the Supreme Court held that objection to a defective
charge should be made immediately after the charge is read over and explained
to accused because pleading to such a charge is a submission to jurisdiction,
if the defect does not deprive the court of its jurisdiction.
Rule against
duplicity: This rule addresses the count in the charge as in the
case of ambiguity. What the rule however forbids is that no count shall contain
more than one offence except in permitted circumstances dictated by a statute.
A charge is therefore bad for duplicity if it contains more than one offence.
(Section 156 Criminal Procedure Act. Also Okeke versus the Police 10
W.A.C.A, 363; Awobotu versus the State (1976)
5 S.C. 49 Adebayo versus The State (1987) 2 N. W.L.R. 468
(Pt. 57). An accused must be charged for each of the offences committed by him
separately on the charge sheet or information.
Effect of
A charge that is bad for duplicity does not
necessarily invalidate the charge or the trial except it has occasioned a
miscarriage of justice. (Awobotu versus The State (1976) 5 S.C. 49)
Rule against
misjoinder of offenders: This rule forbids joining offenders together in a
cause or matter before the court. Thus, generally, only an accused should be
charged in the charge sheet, for the offence(s) committed by him. There are
instances however in which it is permissible to join and try more than one
accused person together. When more persons than one are accused of the same
offence, they may be charged and tried together. (Okojie versus The Police
(1961) W.NLR 91)
Rule against
misjoinder of offences: Generally, every distinct offence with which any
person is accused shall be charged separately. (Sections 157 - 161 of the
Criminal Procedure Act and sections 213 - 216 Criminal Procedure Code)
Amendment of
Who has the authority to amend?
The person who drafted the charge: The law permits the
person who drafted the charge to alter the charge upon discovery of any error
or in a bid to adding more counts to the existing ones. Note that in the South,
the Police, the Law Officer or any other person as the case may be, is
authorised to charge any person before a court and may therefore amend such
charge. (section 162 Criminal Procedure Act , section 78(b) of Criminal
Procedure Act See also The State versus Chief Magistrate Mbashi
Experte Onukwe (1978) 1 L.RN. 316)
Note that if
the amendment is after the commencement of the. trial, it has to be by the
leave of the court.
(b) The court can also amend a charge upon which an
accused is tried before it. The court can equally amend the charge at any time
before judgment. Note however that the amendment by the court must be
sustainable under the imperfect charge. The new charge should merely continue
the life of the original charge. It must bear the same charge number and be
against the same accused person(s). It cannot be an independent separate
charge, co-existing with the original charge. (Chief Magistrate Mbashi Experte
Onukwe (1978) 1 L.RN. 316), Okwechime versus The
Police (1956)-1 F.S.C. 73).
Note: the court should not permit the amendment of a
charge if it will cause injustice to the accused. (R. versus Jennings 33
Criminal App. Rep. 143)
Failure to
amend a defective charge:
The effect of failure on the part of the prosecutor to
amend a defective charge depends on the nature of the defect. There are some
defects which the law regards as substantial and upon which conviction cannot
be made. In such cases, the appellate court will set aside a conviction based
on a charge that is fundamentally defective, except before judgment there was
amendment. (Okeke versus The Police (supra), The A. G. (Federation) versus
Dr Clement Isong (1986) 1 Q.L.R.N. 75;
For example where the information refers to a repealed
enactment and there is no similar offence known to the law, the error would be
regarded as material and fundamental and will undoubtedly mislead the accused.
(R. versus Osunremi (1961) 1 All NLR 467) In such a case there should be
amendment of the charge before judgment. If not, the trials will be vitiated.
On the other hand, some defects are regarded as minor
by the courts. Such defects are incapable of misleading the accused person and
failure to amend such charges are usually overlooked by the courts. The law
distinguishes between omissions or errors which are trivial and immaterial and
will not vitiate a trial, and those which are material and will vitiate a
A conviction founded upon a defective charge under the
former category stand because the dictate of justice do not permit the
acquittal of an otherwise guilty accused person upon fanciful errors contained
in the charge. (Ogbomor versus The State (1985) 1 NWLR 223 (Pt.
2), Duru versus The Police
(1960) L.L.R. 130; Ogbodu versus The State
(1987) 3 S. C. 497)
after amendment
The new charge shall be read and
explained to the accused person and he shall be asked to plead to the charge.
(Sections 163 and 164 Criminal Procedure Act; section 208(2)Criminal
Procedure Code, Youngman versus The
police (1959) 4F.S.C. 283; Okosun versus The State
(1978) 2L.R.N.,314; Okegbu versus The State (1981) 2 P.S.L.R. 14)
Note that where a trial before a
Magistrate Court was a: result of the accused election to be tried by the
Magistrate Court, apart from a fresh plea, his consent should also be sought
afresh as to whether he still intends to be tried by the Magistrate Court,
(Youngman versus The Police (supra); Jones versus The Police 5 F S.C.
The court
shall ask the accused whether he is ready to be tried on such charge. (Section 164 (1) Criminal
Procedure Act)
Either the accused or the prosecutor
shall be given adjournment or a new trial order if to proceed immediately with
the trial shall prejudice the accused in his defence or the prosecutor in the
conduct of his case. (Section 164(2) (3) Criminal Procedure Act; sections 209
and 210 Criminal Procedure Code.)
The Court shall endorse a note to
order for amendment on the charge. (Section 164(4) Criminal Procedure Act)
The prosecutor and the accused shall
be allowed to recall or re-summon any witness who may have been examined and
examine or cross-examine such with reference to such amendment. (Section 165
Criminal Procedure Act, Section 211 Criminal Procedure Code)
Note where the accused is
unrepresented by counsel, the court must specifically inform him of this right.
If he is represented, the court is not obliged to inform him. (Shoaga versus R. (1952) 14 W.A.C.A.22, Fayiga
versus The Police (1973):5 C.C.H.C.H35, Osuolale versus The State
Effect of
failure to comply with procedure after amendment:
Failure to
comply with the statutory requirements render the trial null, void and of no
effect, the appeal court, on appeal against conviction will set the conviction
aside. However, where there are sufficient or overwhelming evidence at the
trial, the appellate court may order a retrial. (Echeazu versus the C.O.P (1974}2 S.C. 55.)
The Court
The court is
divided into:
a) The Bench –
the bench is occupied by the court (Magistrate or Judge).
b) Court
Clerk/Administrative table – it is for the use of the court and it is occupied
by the Court Staff
c) The Bar –
the Bar is usually the first two or three rolls and it is usually a space
dedicated to the lawyers. A non-lawyer is never allowed to seat on these rolls.
d) The
Prosecutor’s bench – this is usually occupied by the lay-prosecutors and the
e) The Witness
Box – It is usually a box with a seat located in either sides of the court. It
is meant for those to give evidence or answer questions in the suit before the
f) The Dock –
the dock is usually for the accused person. It sometimes contains a seat for a
frail accused person.
g) The Court
hall – the court hall contain long benches for the sitting of those members of
the public who has cases before the court or merely come to witness the
proceedings of the court.


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It is only in the customary court and the Magistrate court that lay prosecutors
like the Police or Environmental Health officers are allowed to prosecute. This
is not allowed in the High Court and appellate courts; hence you will never
find the prosecutors’ bench in the High court. The prosecution bench ends with
Magistrate Court.
It is
pertinent to mention that the sitting of a court must be in the open and any
suit before the court in which judgment or decision is delivered becomes
functus officio. However, there could be instances, in which the court will sit
in the chambers or in camera when doing so become unavoidable.
Appearance and Addressing the Court.
Health Officer appearing for prosecution in court must be neatly dressed. The
EHO must wear a clean dark coloured suit with tie or appear in professional
uniform. He must endeavour to equip self with the rules of the court. The rules
of court vary from State to State. The principle underlining all the rules of
court is same.
There are
specific modes of addressing a court. The president of the Customary courts is
addressed “yours Honour”. The Magistrates is addressed “yours Worship”, while
the Judges of the High Courts and higher courts are addressed “my Lord or my
Lady, if she is a woman.
The court
proceeding commences with the magistrate calling on the Court clerk to call the
case/s for the day. It is the norm of the court for the magistrate to as, if
there are applications and if none, the court will proceed to cases on the
court list.
Usually, the
prosecutor will open his case first, by announcing his appearance. It will be
followed by the defence counsel.
It is
important I mention at this juncture that the prosecutor with respect will
alternate standing with the defence counsel. It is against the rules of the
court for both the prosecutor and defence counsel to simultaneously stand up to
address the court. It should also be noted that the Court is not a computer
machine, record entry presently is done in longhand; hence the prosecutor or
the defence counsel
need to take caution by noting the rate at which the court is recording entry
into the court records books, for conveniences purposes
of witnesses
Having secured the attendance of a competent witness in
court, the question is how does he give his evidence? Evidence in court must be
obtained through and orderly process called examination.
of examination
The examination of a witness
by the party who calls him shall be called examination-in-chief.
The examination of a witness
by a party other than the party who calls him shall be called his cross-examination.
Where a witness has been
cross-examined and is then examined by the party who called him, such
examination shall be called his re-examination.
of examination
The prosecutor/party beginning shall open his case and
lead his witnesses in evidence-in-chief and the accused/defendant shall be
entitled to cross-examine the witnesses. After the cross-examination, the witnesses
may be re-examined. The examination and cross-examination must relate to
relevant facts, but the cross-examination need not be confined to the facts to
which the witness testified on his examination-in-chief. S. 189 E.A. The order
in which witnesses are called is entirely at the discretion of the
prosecutor/counsel- handling the matter.
Examination-in-chief is the method of putting questions
to witnesses with a view to obtaining material evidence from them. It is
conducted by the party calling the witness, usually through prosecutor/counsel:
S. 188(1) E.A. Usually a witness is
first examined in- chief before he is cross-examined by any other part who may
so desire (S. 189(1)). The purpose of examination-in-chief is to place witness’s
story before the court so as to obtain testimony in support of the facts for
which the party calling that witness is contending. Examination-in-chief is
strictly on relevant facts only and it cannot be based on leading questions.
Leading questions are those which suggest the intended answers.
Leading questions cannot be asked if objected to by the
adverse party except the court permits it. S. 195 E.A. Any question suggesting the answer which the
person putting it wishes or expects to receive is called a leading question.
S. 196 E. A.
(1) leading
questions must not, if objected to by the adverse party, be asked in
examination-in-chief, or in re-examination, except with the permission of the
(2) The
court shall permit leading questions as to matters which are Introductory or
undisputed, or which have, in its opinion, been already sufficiently proved.
A witness who has been allowed to be treated
as a “hostile’ witness can be asked leading questions.
A witness is considered “hostile” when in the opinion of
the court, he shows that he is adverse to the party calling him and is
unwilling to tell the truth. Assume that A calls B to prove some fact in
question. If B contradicts A and fails to tell the truth of the fact in
question, he can be regarded as “hostile”. If the Court is satisfied from the
general conduct of the witness that he is hostile to the party calling him,
then the Court in its discretion may allow the party calling the witness to put
leading questions to him or cross-examine him.
for examination-in-chief
When a witness is testifying in- chief
the following rules must be observed:
His testimony must be
limited to facts; relevant facts and not law.
He shall not give his own
opinion, except if he is called to testify as an expert.
He shall not testify to
hearsay but direct evidence of what he saw, touched or felt. S. 77 E.A.
Ask one question at a time
Avoid complex questions
Ensure that fact pleaded are
backed up by witness
No leading questions, except
on matters introductory or facts that are undisputed or if the opposite party
does not object to it. S. 196 E.A.
A leading question comes
with a suggested answer prosecutor/counsel should use open questions in
examination-in-chief, in preference to closed questions. This method guides the
witness along a story line but allow him to tell his story. He is only prompted
with open questions to remain on course as he tells his story. What was your
reaction when you saw him? How did you get there?
a) They
subtly direct the witness’ mind towards the desired answers, without
necessarily “leading” him towards them.
b) They
have the potential to confer credibility on a witness’ testimony since he would
be telling his story.
One of the disadvantages of an open question is that a
witness could become unguarded and begin to ramble, if given undue liberty to
speak in-between questions.
a) A
closed question does not give a witness the opportunity to tell a story.
Rather, it limits his responses to ‘yes’ or ‘no’ or ‘I don’t know’ or some
other specific response. Example,
- “Did
you slap him?”
- Who
gave you the money?
b) The
advantage with a closed question is that it helps in achieving precision.
c) It
is more capable of controlling a witness by keeping him on course than an open
question might.
After the party calling a witness has finished examining
him in-chief, any other party in the case may examine the witness
(cross-examine). S.188 (2) In N.O.OKE’s book Guiding principles of cross-examination
he said “cross-examination can be defined as the act of subjecting a witness to
some questioning after his evidence-in-chief, by an adverse party in order to
get the truth of the facts stated or other related facts from the witness so as
to test the veracity or reliability of his evidence.
Taylor On Evidence Vol. 1 states thus “it is deemed
indispensable to the proper administration of justice that every witness should
be subjected to the ordeal of cross-examination by the party against whom he is
called, so that it may appear, if necessary, what were his powers of
perception, his opportunities for observation, his attentiveness in observing,
the strength of his re-collection and his disposition to speak the truth.
”Grace Akinfe v. The State (1986); Adeleke v Aserifa (1986).
Cross-examination is not limited to
facts that were elicited in examination in-chief. Leading questions can be
asked in cross-examination.
of Cross- Examination
S 200 E.A. When a witness is cross-examined, he may, in
addition to the questions hereinbefore referred to, be asked any questions
which tend
a) to
test his accuracy, veracity and credibility; or
b) to
discover who he is and what is his position in life; or
c) To
shake his credit, by injuring his character.
The aim of cross-examination was succinctly put by LORD
HANWORTH, MR as follows: “Cross-examination is a powerful and valuable weapon
for the purpose of testing the veracity of a witness and the completeness of
his story.”
Rules of Cross Examination
Per Justice Oputa
Know what you need, STOP when you get it.
Risk no case on an answer
that may destroy it.
Hold your temper while you
lead the witness if necessary and convenient to lose his.
Ask as if wanting one answer
when you desire the opposite, if the witness is against you, and reverse the
tactics if he is more tractable.
of an Expert Witness
Avoid details relating to
Where more than one set of
facts lend support to an opinion, be adroit and skilfully elicit those facts
favourable to your case only.
Do not give the expert the
luxury of explanation for the basis of his conclusions, either.
He should be confronted with
other opinion by another expert in the same field so as to contradict him
Confront him with relevant
authorities such as published works so as to weaken the validity of inferences
that can be drawn from proved facts.
This is a right which arises wherever there has been
cross-examination. Re-examination (second stage of examination by the party
calling a witness) is for the purpose of explanation of ambiguous terms us in
the cross-examination and for shedding more light on any fact not too clearly
stated in the cross-examination: S.188(3) E.A. Re-examination must be
restricted to the explanation of matters referred to in cross-examination.
And where the court allows
new matters to be introduced, the other party must be allowed to cross-examine
on the new matters raised in re-examination: S. I89 E.A.
Similar to the position in
examination in-chief, usually leading questions are not allowed during
re-examination but the court has discretion to allow leading questions on
disputed matters which in the opinion of the court have been sufficiently
proved. S196 EA.
Under certain circumstances, permission may be granted to
a witness under examination in- chief, or cross-examination or even
re-examination to refer to some document so as to recall some matter. It should
be noted, however, that he should not read aloud from the document, but should merely
view it before giving his evidence. He can also be allowed to refresh his
memory by referring to any writing made by him soon after the transaction in
question: S. 216(1) E.A.
In Jimoh Amoo v R,
the trial Judge allowed a witness to refresh his memory by the reading to him
part of his deposition at the preliminary investigation, which deposition was
taken some five weeks after the incidents to which the witness deposed. The
Federal Supreme Court held that the trial judge erred in allowing the witness to
make use of deposition to refresh his memory in these circumstances. Abike V
Adedokun (1986)
Refreshing memory can be done at all stages of oral
examination, whether in examination -in- chief, cross-examination or
and foundation for tendering documents
The Court will ask the Court
Clerk to call the case of the case list
The Court clerk will call
the case number
The accused will enter the
The prosecutor will announce
his appearance by saying: May it please this honorable court/your worship; C.
O. Oremeji (Mrs.) appearing for prosecution, appearing with me is A.F. Morufu.
If the accused has Counsel,
the accused/defence counsel will announce appearance
Court Clerk will read the
charges to the accused to enter a plea
The accused will enter plea
for each count charge either guilty or not guilty
If the accused enter a plea
of guilty to the charges, the court will ask the prosecutor for the facts of
the case.
If the accused enter a plea
of not guilty
Court Clerk - All witnesses
to be out of Court and Out of hearing.
The prosecutor will state
that; Your worship, with the kind permission of the court, I/we would like to
call the 1st Witness Mr. Ganiyu Dauda
Dauda an Environmental Health Officer as a Witness
Prosecutor: Give
your name to this court.
Witness: I
am Mr. Ganiyu Dauda.
Prosecutor: Where
do you live?
Witness: I live at No l, Oke-fia
Prosecutor: Where
do you work and as what?
Witness: I am an Employee of Osun
State Local Government Service Commission and I work as an Environmental Health
Prosecutor: Do
you know the accused in this case?
Witness: Yes your worship.
Now, tell this court how
you know the accused person.
Witness: On
8th February 2010, at about 1000hrs, I was on Ikirun Road in
accompanied by a health assistant on routine house to house inspection. I
inspected the house of the accused person at No. 4, Ikirun Road, Osogbo. I
discovered the absence of sanitary latrine and bathroom accommodations and I
subsequently issued him an abatement notice giving him 30days within which is
to comply with the abatement notice.
Wait a minute; did I hear
you say you issued him an abatement notice giving him 30days within which is to
comply with the abatement notice.
Witness: Yes
your worship.
If you see the duplicate
copy of the abatement notice will you recognize it?
Witness: Yes your worship
Clerk of Court: Is
this the duplicate copy of the abatement notice you issued?
Witness: Yes
your worship, this is the duplicate copy of the abatement notice
Prosecutor: Your worship, I am seeking leave
of this honourable court to tender the duplicate copy of the abatement notice
Magistrate: Court Clerk, show the duplicate
copy of the abatement notice to the accused person or opposing counsel (where
there is Counsel)
Opposing Counsel: No
objection your worship
Magistrate: Duplicate copy of the abatement
notice admitted and marked as exhibit “A”
Prosecutor: Thank you your worship. Health
Officer (Witness) continue.
Witness: After the expiration of
30days given, I went to the house to see, if Mr. Amodu has provided the
sanitary latrine and bathroom accommodations
Prosecutor: Did
he do it?
Counsel: Objection your worship, the
prosecutor is leading the witness.
Magistrate: Objection overruled. Prosecutor
you may precede.
Prosecutor: Thank you your worship. Health
Officer you said you went to the house to confirm compliance with the abatement
notice, how can you prove this fact?
Witness: I was accompanied by two
health assistants and issued him a verification note.
Prosecutor: If you see the duplicate copy of
your verification note, will you recognize it?
Yes your worship, this
is the duplicate copy of your verification note.
Your worship, I am seeking
leave of this honourable court to tender the duplicate copy of the verification
note issued.
Magistrate: Duplicate
copy of the verification note admitted as exhibit “B”
Opposing Counsel raises no objection and verification note is admitted as
Exhibit ‘B’)
Your worship, I am done
with the witness and shall be seeking leave of this honourable court to let the
2 witness in.
What is the basis of environmental policy in Nigeria
and which agencies/bodies administer and enforce environmental law?
The basis of
environmental policy in Nigeria is contained in the 1999 Constitution of the
Federal Republic of Nigeria. Pursuant to section 20 of the Constitution, the
State is empowered to protect and improve the environment and safeguard the
water, air and land, forest and wildlife of Nigeria. In addition to this,
section 2 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Act of 1992 (EIA Act) provides
that the public or private sector of the economy shall not undertake or embark
on or authorise projects or activities without prior consideration of the
effect on the environment.
The Federal
Government of Nigeria has promulgated various laws and Regulations to safeguard
the Nigerian environment. These include:
- Federal
Environmental Protection Agency Act of 1988 (FEPA Act). The following
Regulations were made pursuant to the FEPA Act:
- National
Environmental Protection (Effluent Limitation) Regulations:
- National
Environmental Protection (Pollution Abatement in Industries and
Facilities Generating Wastes) Regulations; and
- National
Environmental Protection (Management of Solid and Hazardous Wastes)
- Environmental
Impact Assessment Act of 1992 (EIA Act).
- Harmful
Wastes (Special Criminal Provisions etc.) Act of 1988 (Harmful Wastes
The Federal
Ministry of Environment (FME) administers and enforces environmental laws in
Nigeria. It took over this function in 1999 from the Federal Environmental
Protection Agency (FEPA), which was created under the FEPA Act. FEPA was
absorbed and its functions taken over by the FME in 1999.
The Federal
Ministry of Environment has published several guidelines for the administration
of the FEPA and EIA Acts and procedures for evaluating environmental impact
assessment reports (EIA Reports).
regulatory agencies with oversight over specific industries have also issued
guidelines to regulate the impact of such industries on the environment such as
the Environmental Guidelines and Standards for the Petroleum Industry in
Nigeria (EGASPIN) 2002, published by the Department of Petroleum Resources
pursuant to the FEPA Act, each State and local government in the country may
set up its own environmental protection body for the protection and improvement
of the environment within the State. Each State is also empowered to make laws
to protect the environment within its jurisdiction. All the States have
environmental agencies and State laws; e.g. Abuja, the Federal Capital
Territory has issued the Abuja Environmental Protection Board (Solid Waste
Control/Environmental Monitoring) Regulations 2005 ("the Abuja
Environmental Protection Board Regulations") which principally governs
solid waste control in Abuja. In Lagos State, the Lagos State Environmental
Protection Agency Law was enacted to establish the Lagos State Environmental
Protection Agency (LASEPA). LASEPA’s functions include monitoring and
controlling the disposal of waste in Lagos State and advising the State
Government on all environmental management policies. Lagos State has also
enacted the Environmental Pollution Control Law, to provide for the control of
pollution and protection of the environment from abuse due to poor waste
management. Akwa Ibom State has enacted the Environmental Protection and Waste
Management Agency Law, which established the Environmental Protection and Waste
Management Agency. This Agency is charged with responsibilities which include
identifying and proffering solutions to environmental protection problems in
Akwa Ibom, and monitoring and enforcing environmental protection standards and
What approach do such agencies/bodies take to the
enforcement of environmental law?
The EIA Act
was promulgated principally to enable the prior consideration of environmental
impact assessment of public or private projects. Any person planning a
project/activity which may have an impact on the environment is statutorily
required to prepare an EIA Report, and the Report must set out the potential
impact of the activity on the environment and plans for preventing/mitigating
the same, as well as clean up plans. All such Reports must be approved by the
FME. Attached to the EIA Act is a schedule of activities and industries for
which environmental impact assessments are mandatory. These include
Agriculture, Airport, Drainage and Irrigation, Land Reclamation, Fisheries,
Forestry, Housing, Industry, Infrastructure, Ports, Mining, Petroleum, Power
Generation and Transmission, Quarries, Railways, Transportation, Resort and
Recreational Development, Waste Treatment and Disposal, and Water Supply.
Any person
who fails to comply with the provisions of the EIA Act commits an offence and
is liable on conviction, in the case of an individual, to a fine or to a term
of imprisonment for up to five years; and fines are also imposed on guilty
firms or corporations.
the FEPA Act empowers the FME to require the production for examination of any
licence or permit granted to any person, to enter and search any land or
building, and to arrest any person whom they have reason to believe has
violated any environmental regulation.
The approach
of regulatory agencies is the prevention of environmental damages, the regulation
of potentially harmful activities and the punishment of willful harmful damage
whenever this occurs. The environmental agencies also adopt the approach of
engaging individuals and communities at risk of potential environmental damage
in dialogue. The EIA approval process adopted by the FME involves a system of
public hearings during the EIA evaluation process and interested members of the
public are invited to such hearings.
respective State environmental agencies in Nigeria, e.g. the Lagos State
Environmental Protection Agency (LASEPA), also take the same approach.
To what extent are public authorities required to
provide environment-related information to interested persons (including
members of the public)?
authorities are statutorily required to inform the public of
environment-related issues. The FEPA Act requires FEPA to collect and make
available through publications and other appropriate means and in cooperation
with public or private organisations, information pertaining to pollution and
environmental protection regulations.
The EIA Act
provides for the maintenance of a Public Registry for the purpose of
facilitating public access to records relating to environmental assessments.
The Lagos State Environmental Pollution Control Law requires the Ministry of
Environment and Physical Planning to educate the general public on the types of
disposal methods acceptable by the State Government for domestic and Industrial
wastes. In addition under the LASEPA law, LASEPA is required to carry out
public enlightenment exercises and educate the public on methods of
environmental sanitation and management.
The FME also
issues guidelines from time to time for environmental impact assessments for
different industries and it also has publications which inform the public of
the prohibition of environmental pollution. Furthermore, members of the public
and persons requiring clarifications on environmental issues can visit the
offices of the FME or the relevant State environmental agency for environment-related
As stated in
question 1.2 above public hearings to which interested members of the public
are invited is a key part of the approval process for EIA reports by the
relevant agencies.
When is an environmental permit required, and may environmental
permits be transferred from one person to another?
different pieces of legislation on the protection of the environment contain
provisions for the issuance of environmental permits. Such permits are required
for all potentially environmentally sensitive activities and are typically
granted by the FME and the relevant State agencies. Specific legislation on
permits include the Radioactive Waste Management Regulations 2006 which
provides that any person generating or managing radioactive waste must apply
for and obtain a permit from the Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority; the
FEPA Act and the regulations made thereunder.
The National
Environment Protection (Pollution Abatement in Industries and Facilities
Generating Wastes) Regulations made pursuant to the FEPA Act provide that a
permit will be required:
- for
storage, treatment and transportation of harmful toxic waste within
- where
effluents with constituents beyond permissible limits will be discharged
into public drains, rivers, lakes, sea, or as an underground injection;
- when
oil in any form shall be discharged into public drains, rivers, lakes,
sea, or as an underground injection; and
- for an
industry or a facility with a new point source of pollution or a new
process line with a new point source. Such an industry or facility shall
apply to the agency for a discharge permit.
Some permits
are industry specific; e.g. in the oil and gas industry, the Directorate of
Petroleum Resources (DPR) also regulates environment issues, and operators in
the industry are required to obtain the necessary permits.
Environmental Guidelines and Standards for the Petroleum Industry in Nigeria
(EGASPIN) 2002, published by the DPR provides that the Director of Petroleum
Resources shall issue permits for all aspects of oil-related effluent
discharges from point sources (gaseous, liquid and solid), and oil-related
project development.
also provides that environmental permits shall be issued for existing and new
sources of effluent emission. All projects in the oil and gas industry must be
issued with the requisite environmental permits, and failure to procure the
same may lead to penalties.
state permits are also required i.e. pursuant to the Abuja Environmental
Protection Board Act (Solid Waste Control /environmental Monitoring Regulations
2005), all sponsors of major development projects in Abuja must submit to the
Abuja Environmental Protection Board ("the Board") details of the
project i.e. its nature and scope, the site and area of the project, the
activities to be carried out and any other relevant information. Upon
submission, the sponsor is issued an Impact Clearance Permit by the Board. In
Lagos State, the LASEPA law requires any person manufacturing or storing
chemicals, lubricants, petroleum products, cement and other material used in
building, radioactive materials, or gases in residential or commercial areas to
obtain a permit.
The permits
are typically not transferable as they are project specific. Where such permits
are however transferable the consent of the regulator will be required prior to
any such transfer.
What rights are there to appeal against the decision
of an environmental regulator not to grant an environmental permit or in
respect of the conditions contained in an environmental permit?
Any entity
or individual affected by a decision of an environmental regulator has a right
of appeal under the relevant laws and regulations. The EGASPIN which is
applicable in the oil and gas industry provides that an aggrieved party shall
be free to seek remedy at courts/tribunals. The FEPA Act allows an aggrieved
person to bring an action in the Federal High Court against the FME for any act
done in pursuance or execution of any environmental law or of any public
Is it necessary to conduct environmental audits or
environmental impact assessments for particularly polluting industries or other
Nigerian law
makes it mandatory for EIAs and environmental audits to be carried out by
polluting industries. The practice is that an EIA report must be prepared in
respect of all major projects and approved by the FME and the environmental
agency of the State in Nigeria in which the project is located. In addition,
for oil and gas projects, the requisite environmental permit must be granted by
the DPR.
activities have been classified as mandatory study activities under the EIA
Act. They include Agriculture, Airport, Drainage and Irrigation, Land
Reclamation, Fisheries, Forestry, Housing, Industry, Infrastructure, Ports,
Mining, Petroleum, Power Generation and Transmission, Quarries, Railways,
Transportation, Resort and Recreational Development, Waste Treatment and
Disposal, and Water Supply. The effect of this is that no Federal, State or
Local Government or any of their agencies shall exercise any power or perform
any duty or functions that would permit the project to be carried out in whole
or in part until the FME has approved the EIA for such a project.
legislation which requires EIAs is the Abuja Environmental Protection Board
Act, which empowers the Board to request an EIA for a development project and
the sponsor must submit reports to the Board from time to time. The Akwa Ibom
State Environmental Protection and Waste Management Agency Act (EPWMA) empower
the Agency to conduct pre and post EIAs of projects and make recommendations
for corrective measures.
sets out a list of activities in the oil and gas sector that require
environmental assessment. They include all seismic operations; oil and gas
field developments onshore, nearshore, offshore and deepshore; hydrocarbon
processing facilities; construction of waste treatment; and/or disposal
project completion, regular environmental audits must also be carried out. The
FME requires an environmental audit to be carried out every 2-3 years. The DPR
also carries out regular environmental audits of oil and gas installations,
stations, depots, etc.
What enforcement powers do environmental regulators
have in connection with the violation of permits?
regulators have wide ranging powers in the event of violation of environmental
permits and environmental laws in general. The FEPA Act gives authorised
officers of the FME powers to:
- require
to be produced, then examine and take copies of any licence or permit,
certificate or document required under the Act or regulations made
- enter
and search any land, building, vehicle, tent, vessel, floating craft or
any inland water;
- cause
to be arrested any person whom they have reason to believe has committed
an offence against the Act or any regulations made thereunder; and
- seize
any item or substance which they have reason to believe has been used in
the commission of such offence or in respect of which the offence has been
Law also contains similar provisions authorising officers to search and seize
offending items and to arrest offenders. Some examples of offences under the
LASEPA Law include the discharge of raw untreated human waste into any public
drain, gorge, or any land in the State, and the discharge of any form of oil,
grease, spent oil including trade waste brought about in the course of
manufacturing into any public drain, water-course, water gorge and road verge.
provisions are contained in the Akwa Ibom State EPWMA Act. The EPWMA Act
empowers inspectors to inspect premises and take samples of waste generated on
premises. The EPWMA Act also provides that any person who commits an offence
under the Act shall be arraigned before the Environmental Sanitation Court. The
Environmental Sanitation Court was established pursuant to the EPWMA Act to try
offending individuals or organisations. Offences under the EPWMA Act include
burying or dumping expired drugs or chemicals without a permit, using gamalin
20 or any herbicide, insecticide or other chemicals to kill fishes or any other
aquatic life in rivers, lakes and streams.
Section 11
of the Harmful Wastes Act empowers the Minister charged with responsibility for
works and housing to seal up an area or site used or being used for the purpose
of depositing or dumping harmful waste.
Pursuant to
section 37 of the Petroleum (Drilling and Production) Regulations 1969
(Drilling Regulations) the holder of an Oil Mining Lease (OML) or an Oil Prospecting
License (OPL) is required to prevent the escape of petroleum into any water,
well, spring, stream river, lake reservoir, estuary or harbour. The Drilling
Regulations further authorises inspectors to examine the premises of the holder
of the OML or OPL to ensure that such persons comply with the Drilling
Regulations. Any person who fails to comply with the provisions of the Drilling
Regulations may be prosecuted in court.
The DPR also
has powers to seal up premises, seize offending substances, impose fines and
require the clean up of environmental damage. Violators risk fines and in
certain cases, a shutdown of the polluting/offending facility until there is
How is waste defined and do certain categories of
waste involve additional duties or controls?
The relevant
legislation defines "waste" and refers to categories of waste. The
LASEPA Law defines waste to include "industrial, solid, liquid, gaseous
gases containing substances such as sulphur dioxide, oxides or nitrogen,
hydrogen-sulphide, carbon-monoxide, ammonia, chlorine, smoke and metallic dusts
and particles, oil organic vapours, corrosive, reagent, flammable liquid solid,
poison, poly-chloringhed hiphenlys, dynocyanide, methyl-melamine, ethylacetate,
toxic substance, cement waste etc.". Under the Harmful Waste Act,
"harmful waste" is defined "to mean any injurious, poisonous,
toxic or waste-emitting radioactive substance if the waste is in such quantity,
whether with any other consignment of the same or of different substance, as to
subject any person to the risk of death, fatal injury or incurable impairment
of physical and mental health; and the fact that the harmful waste is placed in
a container shall not by itself be taken to exclude any risk which might be
expected to arise from the harmful waste".
categories of waste involve additional duties and controls. Poisonous, toxic or
radioactive waste is treated differently from household or industrial waste or
effluents that are non-toxic in nature. Under the Nigerian Radioactive Waste
Management Regulations 2006 radioactive waste which does not qualify for
discharge or release to the environment shall be disposed of in a near surface
repository to be established by the government and licensed by the Nigerian
Nuclear Regulatory Authority. In addition to this, radioactive waste must be
categorised and kept in suitable containers with visible labels
indicating the nature of waste generated, the date of waste generation, the
waste category and other relevant information. The more dangerous or hazardous
the waste is, the higher the level of control needed for its storage, disposal
and treatment.
To what extent is a producer of waste allowed to store
and/or dispose of it on the site where it was produced?
The laws
allow the storage or disposal of waste on site subject to the issuance of
relevant permits. Regulation 10 of the National Environment Protection
(Pollution Abatement in Industries and Facilities Generating Wastes)
Regulations made pursuant to the FEPA Act provides that no person shall
engage in the storage, treatment or transportation of harmful toxic waste
without a permit issued by FEPA. Where harmful toxic waste is produced on-site,
it may only be stored or disposed on-site where a permit has been issued to the
producer of such waste.
Where it is
environmentally safe to so do, solid waste may be stored or disposed of
on-site, subject to the issuance of the requisite permit - Regulation 16 of the
National Environment Protection (Pollution Abatement in Industries and
Facilities Generating Wastes) Regulations.
Do producers of waste retain any residual liability in
respect of the waste where they have transferred it to another person for
disposal/treatment off-site (e.g. if the transferee/ultimate disposer goes
Producers of
waste may retain residual liability, particularly where a transferee or person
engaged to dispose of the same absconds. If the regulator is able to trace the
waste back to the producer, it would be liable for the clean up.
The FEPA Act
provides that the collection, treatment, transportation and final disposal of
waste shall be the responsibility of the industry or facility generating the
11 of the National Environment Protection (Pollution Abatement in Industries
and Facilities Generating Wastes) Regulations provides that the collection,
treatment, transportation and final disposal of waste shall be the
responsibility of the industry or facility generating the waste. The ultimate
responsibility lies with the producer, as under Nigerian law, the
"polluter pays" principle applies.
To what extent do waste producers have obligations
regarding the take-back and recovery of their waste?
The law
places the responsibility for the take-back or recovery of waste on the waste
The Nigerian
Radioactive Waste Management Regulations 2006 provides that the primary
responsibility for the safe management of radioactive waste lies with the waste
generator and the waste generator shall take all necessary actions to ensure
the safety of radioactive waste unless the responsibility has been transferred
to another person or
organisation approved by the Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority. The Regulations
further provide that the waste generator shall be responsible for collection, characterisation and
temporary storage of radioactive waste arising from his activities and
discharge of exempt waste.
provides that as much as possible, all the reusable components of hazardous
wastes should be recovered by using the best practicable technology currently
available. The National Environmental Protection (Management of Solid and
Hazardous Wastes) Regulations made pursuant to the FEPA Act provide that
waste should be recovered at the point of generation, where practicable.
What types of liabilities can arise where there is a
breach of environmental laws and/or permits, and what defences are
typically available?
The FEPA Act
provides that a person who breaches the provisions of the Act commits an
offence and shall on conviction be liable to a fine, or imprisonment, or both.
The FEPA Act also provides that where there has been a discharge of any
hazardous substance in violation of environmental laws/permits, the person
responsible for the discharge will bear the liability of the costs of removal
and clean up.
The Harmful
Wastes Act provides that any person found guilty of purchasing, selling,
importing, transporting, depositing or storing harmful waste shall on
conviction be sentenced to imprisonment for life.
A typical defence is that the
act (e.g. discharge of hazardous substance into the air, or upon the land and
the waters of Nigeria or at the shorelines) was done within the permissible
limit or was authorised under any
law in force in Nigeria.
Another defence under the
law is that the breach of the environmental law or any permit given thereunder was caused
solely by a natural disaster or an act of war or sabotage and as such, the
owner or occupier of the facility would seek to avoid liability on this ground.
Ignorance of
a breach of environmental law is typically not a defence to an
environmental offence. Section 25(9) of the Environmental Pollution Control Law
of Lagos State provides that it shall not be a defence for the
owner of any land on which waste is buried or dumped to state that the offence
was committed without his knowledge.
Can an operator be liable for environmental damage
notwithstanding that the polluting activity is operated within permit limits?
An operator
would typically not be liable for a polluting activity which is within the
limits of any environmental permit granted to it, provided that such activity
is strictly in compliance with the terms and conditions of the relevant permit.
Act provides that no person is allowed to discharge into any public drain, water
course, or roads verge any form of oil, grease, spent oil brought about in the
course of manufacturing or other type of business without the written
permission of the Agency. The operator will be liable for any discharge outside
the limit of the permit which is renewable annually.
Can directors and officers of corporations attract
personal liabilities for environmental wrongdoing, and to what extent may they
get insurance or rely on other indemnity protection in respect of such
Directors and
officers may in certain circumstances attract personal liability for
environmental wrongdoing. Under the FEPA Act, directors and officers of a
company who were in charge of or responsible to the company for the conduct of
the business of the company at the time the environmental wrongdoing was
committed shall be deemed to be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to be
prosecuted and punished, usually by payment of a fine or imprisonment.
Act specifically provides that where an offence is committed with the consent
or connivance of or attributed to any neglect or omission on the part of the
director, manager, secretary or other similar officer of the company such
person shall be liable on conviction to a maximum of five years imprisonment
without an option of a fine.
The only defence open to
such directors and officers is that the offence was committed without their
knowledge or that they exercised all due diligence to prevent the commission of
such offence.
and officers are typically able to obtain the necessary indemnifications from
the company with regard to liabilities arising in the course of business,
including environmental pollution. It is also possible for companies to take
out insurances protecting their officers, employees and directors from
potential personal liability arising in the course of operations.
Under the
provisions of the Companies and Allied Matters Act of 1990 (CAMA), an officer
may be indemnified in respect of anything done or omitted to be done in the
course of the company’s operations, if there is a subsisting provision (whether
contained in the articles of the company or in any contract with the company)
to this effect.
What are the different implications from an
environmental liability perspective of a share sale on the one hand and an
asset purchase on the other?
There are
different implications from an environmental liability perspective of a share
sale on the one hand and an asset purchase on the other. A shareholder of a
company would typically not be personally liable for environmental damage or
other liabilities of a company, under the principle of limited liability. A
shareholder is liable to the extent of his shareholding in the company, unless
he is proved to have been aware of the environmental breach and is involved in
the offending acts. Thus, a shareholder who has purchased shares in a company
that may have environmental liabilities arising from its operations would not
be personally liable for any environmental damage arising from the company’s operations.
Nigerian law places liability on the directors and officers of a company for
environmental damage created by the company. The definition of officers of a
company under CAMA does not include shareholders of the company.
An asset
purchase, on the other hand, makes the purchaser an owner who may be held
liable for any environmental liability. Under Nigerian law, environmental
liability is based on the owner/occupier principle. Thus, the owner/occupier of
premises where a polluting activity takes place is liable for the damage and
will have the responsibility of cleaning up such pollution as well as paying
any fines imposed. Such owner/occupier can only avoid liability if he is able
to prove that the polluting activity took place prior to the asset purchase, in
which case the actual producer of the waste will be liable, if he can be
What is the approach to liability for contamination
(including historic contamination) of soil or groundwater?
The approach
to contamination of soil or groundwater is that the polluter pays the costs of
clean up and may also be liable to fines or imprisonment. The person
responsible for the contamination will be required to restore the soil and
groundwater to appropriate safety levels.
The FEPA Act
provides that any person who discharges hazardous substances into the air, upon
the land or waters of Nigeria shall upon conviction be subject to a fine and/or
imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years. If this offence is committed by
a company, the company shall on conviction be liable to a fine. The FEPA Act
also provides that unless the owner or operator of any vessel or onshore or
offshore facility from which the hazardous substance is discharged can show
that the discharge was caused by a natural disaster or an act of war or
sabotage, the owner or occupier shall be subject to the cost of removal and
restoration or compensation as the case may be.
The Akwa
Ibom EPWMA Act provides that any person who allows toxic waste to be dumped in
any land or water commits an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a
maximum term of five years imprisonment. EGASPIN provides as follows:
Licensee/Lessee who is responsible for the generation of the waste shall be
liable for any contamination associated with such waste.
Such Licensee/Lessee
shall bear all the costs associated with the investigation, remediation and
monitoring, even when the same are conducted at the discretion of the Director,
Petroleum Resources.
compensation shall be paid appropriately by such Licensee/Lessee to the
relevant community and landowners, in consultation with the local government(s)
and the Director, Petroleum Resources
Under the
Harmful Waste Act, where any damage (e.g. contamination of land or groundwater)
is due to harmful waste, any person who deposited, dumped or imported the
harmful waste or caused the harmful waste to be so deposited, dumped or
imported shall be liable for the damage.
How is liability allocated where more than one person
is responsible for the contamination?
Under the
Harmful Waste Act, each of the persons responsible shall be deemed to have
committed a crime. The liability of each such offender is several.
If a programme of environmental remediation is ‘agreed’ with an
environmental regulator can the regulator come back and require additional
works or can a third party challenge the agreement?
may require additional steps to be taken with regard to an agreed programme of
environmental remediation i.e. pursuant to an environmental audit and it is
subsequently determined that additional action is required.
parties may also challenge an agreed programme of environmental remediation. Such interested third
parties may file claims in the Court challenging any arrangements they perceive
to be inadequate to restore the contaminated land.
Does a person have a private right of action to seek
contribution from a previous owner or occupier of contaminated land when that
owner caused, in whole or in part, contamination; and to what extent is it
possible for a polluter to transfer the risk of contaminated land liability to
a purchaser?
A polluter
can contractually transfer pollution liability to a purchaser. If the contract
between the polluter and the purchaser says that all liability is transferred
upon completion and no exceptions are made for contamination, a purchaser will
be liable and will have no right of recourse to the previous owner. Nigerian
law recognises the
principle of ‘buyer beware’ and potential purchasers are deemed to have
conducted proper due diligence prior to concluding asset purchase.
There is no
general legal duty to disclose prior environmental pollution on any land or
facility to a purchaser and a buyer who did not enquire about possible
pollution during a due diligence exercise prior to purchase will be deemed to
have liability for pollution whenever discovered unless indemnity for pollution
was given by the previous owner. Lack of knowledge is no excuse.
However, a
person may have a private right of action to seek contribution from a previous
owner or occupier of contaminated land when that owner caused, in whole or in
part, the contamination, and the agreement between the parties did not fully
transfer such obligations.
Does the government have authority to obtain from
polluter monetary damages for aesthetic harms to public assets, e.g., rivers?
Under the
law, the government has the authority to obtain monetary damages from a
polluter for aesthetic harm to public assets. The FEPA Act requires a polluter
to pay for the costs of removal of any such pollution, including any costs
which may be incurred by any government body or agency in the restoration or
replacement of damaged or destroyed natural resources.
Act requires a polluter to pay compensation to affected persons and the State
for environmental damage caused by the offender.
What powers do environmental regulators have to
require production of documents, take samples, conduct site inspections,
interview employees, etc.?
environmental regulators have statutory powers to require the production of
documents, take samples, conduct site inspection etc. in the course of carrying
out their functions of preventing or investigating environmental damage.
The FEPA Act
empowers the FME to require the production for examination of any licence or permit
granted to any person, to enter and search any land or building to take
samples, conduct site inspections, interview employees and to arrest any
offender. Under the Akwa Ibom EPWMA Act, Environmental Protection and Waste
Management Inspectors are empowered to inspect environmental standards on
premises during reasonable hours between 6:00 am and 6:00 pm. similar
provisions are contained in the LASEPA law.
If pollution is found on a site, or discovered to be
migrating off-site, must it be disclosed to an environmental regulator or
potentially affected third parties?
The law
generally obligates anyone who discovers pollution on any site to report the
same to the authorities.
pollution is found on a site or is discovered to be migrating off-site, there
is a legal obligation to disclose this to an environmental regulator and to
potentially affected third parties. Section 22(2) (a) of the FEPA Act provides
that where there has been a discharge into the environment, the responsible party
shall immediately give notice of the discharge to the FME and to any other
relevant agencies.
The rule in Ryland’s
v. Fletcher imposes liability for any damage that may be caused by
pollution that has migrated to the site of a third party. The rule in Ryland’s
v. Fletcher requires that the person who for his own purposes brings on his
lands and collects and keeps there anything likely to cause damage if it
escapes, must keep it at his peril, and if he does not do so, is prima facie
answerable for all the damage which is the natural consequence of its escape to
the third party’s property.
When and under what circumstances does a person have
an affirmative obligation to investigate land for contamination?
Nigerian law
does not impose a general obligation to investigate land for contamination or
any person saves for the statutory obligations of the relevant regulators. Such
an obligation however arises for a project which meets the requirements of
environmental laws and requires an EIA. For such a project to be undertaken,
the EIA report must cover results of land/soil investigations on the
suitability of the site for the proposed project and examine the determined
potential impact of the project.
discovery of contamination and reporting of the same, the EIA Report would
typically provide an action plan for mitigating the effects of the potential
To what extent is it necessary to disclose
environmental problems, e.g. by a seller to a prospective purchaser in the
context of merger and/or takeover transactions?
There is no
legal requirement on a seller to disclose environmental problems to a
prospective purchaser. Under Nigerian law, the common law principle of ‘buyer
beware’ is applicable, and the duty is on a purchaser to take all reasonable
steps to protect itself by carrying out adequate due diligence prior to an
asset purchase. However, a purchaser has a right to enquire about and obtain
details of assets to be purchased. If such an enquiry is made, the seller has
an obligation to provide full disclosure to the best of its knowledge. Failure
to do so may lead to an action for fraudulent misrepresentation if his
disclosures are subsequently found to be incorrect. A potential purchaser may
engage experts to carry out environmental investigations and to request
necessary indemnifications in the event that he suspects prior environmental
The same
principle applies in mergers or takeover transactions. The potential purchaser
must undertake necessary due diligence investigations in order to uncover any
prior environmental pollution and make necessary enquiries on possible
environmental damage from past activities.
Is it possible to use an environmental indemnity to
limit exposure for actual or potential environment-related liabilities, and
does making a payment to another person under an indemnity in respect of a
matter (e.g. remediation) discharge the indemnifier’s potential liability for
that matter?
It is
possible to use an environmental indemnity to limit exposure for actual or potential
environmentally-related liabilities. Parties may agree in their contractual
arrangements on appropriate indemnifications for losses arising from prior
pollution. This is very common in lending transactions where lenders seek to
avoid liability for existing conditions on a project site which is being
financed by them.
Making a
payment to another person under an indemnity to cover losses incurred as a
result of environmental damage would typically discharge the indemnifier’s
liability to the person indemnified unless further or additional pollution is
uncovered. The indemnifier’s potential liability is not discharged completely
if further damage is discovered.
Is it possible to shelter environmental liabilities
off balance sheet, and can a company be dissolved in order to escape
environmental liabilities?
typically do not reflect environmental liabilities on their balance sheets, as
they are required to take out necessary insurance for all potential business
risks. However where the potential environmental liability is immense, the
details of the liability may be reflected on the accountant’s notes which form
part of the company’s financial statement.
In Nigeria,
a company may voluntarily be dissolved or wound up under the provisions of
CAMA. CAMA however provides that the property of a company shall on its winding
up be applied in satisfaction of its liabilities. Therefore, dissolution of a
company cannot be a means of escaping environmental liabilities, as the
property of such a company will be used to pay its liabilities. However an
insolvent company may in certain circumstances be able to escape liability for
environmental damage where its assets upon liquidation are insufficient to
cover the cost of remediation. Shareholders, directors and officers may be
personally liable for such damage if they were aware of the activities which
caused the damage.
Can a person who holds shares in a company be held
liable for breaches of environmental law and/or pollution caused by the
company, and can a parent company be sued in its national court for pollution
caused by a foreign subsidiary/affiliate?
principle of limited liability protects a shareholder from being held liable
for the acts of the company. A shareholder will only be held liable for breaches
of environmental law and/or pollution caused by the company to the extent that
the shareholder is in charge of or was for the conduct of the company’s
Nigerian Law, there is no presumption that a subsidiary (even a wholly-owned
subsidiary) acts as the agent of its parent company. A subsidiary is a separate
legal entity from its parent company. Its acts are not acts of the parent
company and the parent company is not responsible for its acts or defaults, in
the absence of specific provisions to that effect in a contract between them.
Therefore, a parent company cannot be sued for pollution caused by a foreign
subsidiary merely because it is a shareholder in the subsidiary. Such a parent
must have been involved in management and/or been aware of the pollution
Are there any laws to protect
"whistle-blowers" who report environmental violations/matters?
Nigerian law
contains provisions to protect whistle-blowers who report or testify in
environmental violation matters. Section 37 of the EIA Act provides that where
specific, direct and substantial harm would be caused to a witness by the
disclosure of evidence at a Review Panel, the hearing by the Review Panel shall
not be in public; and where the Review Panel is satisfied that the disclosure
of evidence, documents or other things would cause specific, direct and
substantial harm to a witness, the evidence, documents or other things shall be
privileged and shall not, without the authorisation of the witness, knowingly
be or be permitted to be communicated, disclosed or made available by any
person who has obtained the evidence, documents or other things.
Are group or "class" actions available for
pursuing environmental claims, and are penal or exemplary damages available?
I confirm that
Nigerian law recognises class action by a group or a community of people for
pursuing environmental claims. Such actions are fairly common in the oil and
gas industry where communities claim damages and clean up for pollution of
their lands, waters and general environment. In a recent case which involved
Shell Petroleum Development Company the inhabitants of the community close to a
major oil spillage filed a group action against Shell seeking damages of up to
N60,000,000.00. The community won in the lower courts and the appellate court
upheld the decision but reduced the damages awarded.
courts have awarded special and general damages in actions for damages arising
from environmental pollution. Such damages have been for the loss of fishing rights,
pollution of drinking water, damage and hazards from pollution of the
environment, general inconvenience, and miscellaneous losses. The courts
typically do not award exemplary damages in the claims brought before them.
Exemplary damages may be awarded only in the following three circumstances:
- where
the plaintiff has suffered oppressive, arbitrary or unconstitutional
action by a servant of the government;
- where
the defendant’s conduct has been calculated by him to make a profit for
himself which may well exceed the compensation payable to the plaintiff;
- where
statute so provides.
Adeyemi Rotimi Emmanuel Tokunboh, B.L., LL.B.,
B.Sc., M.Env. Mgmt., MRSH
Director: Environmental Health
Government Service Commission, Akure
State, Nigeria.
Tel: Mob. (+234)