2013 World Environment Day

The theme of this year is 'Think. Eat. Save'
Think.Eat.Save is an anti-food waste and food loss campaign that
encourages you to reduce your foodprint. According to the UN Food and
Agriculture Organization (FAO), every year 1.3 billion tonnes of food is
wasted. This is equivalent to the same amount produced in the whole of
sub-Saharan Africa. At the same time, 1 in every 7 people in the world
go to bed hungry and more than 20,000 children under the age of 5 die
daily from hunger.
Given this
enormous imbalance in lifestyles and the resultant devastating effects
on the environment, this year’s theme – Think.Eat.Save – encourages you
to become more aware of the environmental impact of the food choices you
make and empowers you to make informed decisions. -UNEP
Considering that majority of NIgerian hardly eat 3 times a day, do you
think this theme apply us? We do not have much in our house to eat let
alone to think and save, so, our government at all levels should know
that number one security in any country is 'food security' and gives
much importance in mass production of food, so that we can save.
How? government should support all agricultural program to farmers
accordingly. For Environmental Health Practitioners, they should try to
create awareness on the importance of 'ecological sanitation' on
agriculture, the importance of organic manure and the construction of
domestic bio-gas digester, which the end products are good for
agricultural activities. This will go in boosting production of food
without waiting for government by farmers for the supply of fertilizers.
Let us eat what we have. think of how to produce more, and save the excess.
Happy Celebration
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